Eternity: a moment standing still for ever.

Don't fear moving slowly forward...fear standing still.

I've always been better moving than I am standing still.

I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.

There is no standing still because time is moving forward.

Be not afraid of rowing slowly. Be afraid of standing still.

I'm never standing still and that makes my life pretty exciting.

When God says go forward, don't even think about standing still.

Progressiveness means not standing still when everything else is moving.

Failure in life does not matter; the greatest misfortune is standing still.

All motion is relative. Maybe it's you who've moved away by standing still.

This is what a memorial is: standing still, staring at something that isn’t ther

If I can hit a curveball, why can't I hit a ball that is standing still on a course?

Liam learned that it was possible to appear to move forward when you were really standing still.

Either you're growing or you're decaying; there's no middle ground. If you're standing still, you're decaying.

There are two types of panicking: standing still and not saying a word, and leaping all over the place babbling anything that comes into your head.

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