I'm committed to structural changes.

I love the structural part of the writing process.

In politics, I am facing a lot of structural sexism.

We need to go faster on structural reforms in France.

Italy needed structural reforms to become more competitive.

Poland is much more advanced than Romania in structural reforms.

My first degree was in structural engineering, which is super-boring.

Each book requires a different kind of treatment and structural gambit.

Somehow, as a writer, you tend to use words to paper over structural cracks.

Nearly all of the advances in structural and aesthetic innovation is coming from abroad.

My government, a government of national unity, will make all necessary structural reforms.

The low carbon economy is at the leading edge of a structural shift now taking place globally.

The justice delivery system needs structural change. It needs fresh vision and innovative solutions.

When you make something, cleaning it out of structural debris is one of the most vital things you do.

There have been no voices against the structural reforms that I have proposed, especially the energy reform.

There is no better protection against the euro crisis than successful structural reforms in southern Europe.

The structural difference between enantiomers can be serious with respect to the actions of synthetic drugs.

Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic.

There are structural problems within the industry that are preventing us from displaying aspirational black roles.

Much of what we now consider 'personality' will be explained away as structural and chemical functions of the brain.

The United States came into the coronavirus recession with a few structural advantages, including a highly diversified economy.

Most of the major increases in the debt ceiling have been accompanied by structural changes in the way we raise and spend money.

Mexico urgently needs a series of structural reforms that will detonate its true economic potential and generate more public welfare.

If Trump is president, I think that his administration will do real structural damage that will take years or decades for us to undo.

Conflicts are not temporary interruptions: they are structural, socio-economic catastrophes, and funding must be allocated accordingly.

Those who have a lot of money in Greece invest in housing abroad. It's all immoral. The Greek crisis is structural, but also political.

I'm very classic and structural. I love clean lines and interesting, modern details. But I'm all about being streamlined - less is more.

It appears that PepsiCo views structural change as a sign of weakness, an admission of failure, and an untenable break with past traditions.

Racism hasn't been an everyday thing in my life, overt racism. There is obviously structural differences, but hate? I've not really had that.

If one sees far, structural changes that come with temporary disruptions can be growth- and efficiency-augmenting in the medium to long term.

Mexico urgently needs a series of structural reforms that will detonate its true economic potential for once and generate more public welfare.

If there were a science of human beings it would be anthropology that aims at understanding the totality of experience through structural context.

The series 'Generation Kill' is, along with everything else, a sustained critique of the structural and conventional fictions of 'The Hurt Locker.'

Until we address the pervasive structural and interpersonal threats facing communities of color, we will remain unequipped to make equity a reality.

The great musics of the world are great for very similar structural reasons: good melody, good harmony, and a balance of feminine and masculine energy.

The removal of an electron from the surface of an atom - that is, the ionization of the atom - means a fundamental structural change in its surface layer.

The other aspect is that you become much more aware of the structural problems that pertain to that continent. You feel the need to act to try and solve them.

I believe in strong civil liberties and a government that intervenes if and only if there is a structural failure that private actions generally cannot solve.

The global commitment for the Sustainable Development Goals offers a profound opportunity to tackle the structural, social, and economic changes needed to end AIDS.

There are a whole bunch of structural and systemic factors we need to address in order to move away from the model in which women really are still dependent on men.

The most general law in nature is equity-the principle of balance and symmetry which guides the growth of forms along the lines of the greatest structural efficiency.

By 1929, 5 percent of the population received one-third of the nation's income. The structural weaknesses of this economy plunged the nation into the Great Depression.

We must all stand against both the continual, systematic, and structural racial inequities that normalize daily violence as well as against extreme acts of racial terror.

The thing is, getting rid of racism is a cultural thing that takes decades. It's not something we can solve immediately. Structural changes have to happen in our culture.

The United States faces structural employment problems because of the long-term effects of globalization and technology. This was only exacerbated by the Great Recession.

In traditional 3D printing, the gantry size poses an obvious limitation for the designer who wishes to print in larger scales and achieve structural and material complexity.

If you want to do something to destroy consumer spending, just eat away at the middle class because the other problem we have is the structural problem of middle class America.

It was Max Perutz who inspired me to go into structural biology when he gave a lecture at Harvard in 1963. As soon as I heard him talk, I decided that this is what I want to do.

The most pressing and significant problems in the global economy are unsustainable structural issues with regard to the E.U. - fiscal deficits and the structure of the E.U. itself.

I believe Europe is burning financially. Europe's problems are not going to go away. They are so structural. Yet, our problems are right behind them. We cannot just look at Europe.

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