That's a huge subject - a writer refusing to do publicity but writing about publicity.

The degradation to which you subject others comes back, sooner or later, to haunt you.

I like to show subjects inside a sealed veneer. There's a sense that you can't get in.

The subject of history is the gradual realization of all that is practically necessary.

There is no subject on which more dangerous nonsense is talked and thought than marriage.

Objects are inorganic and biological values; subjects are social and intellectual values.

The lucky biographers find themselves drawn into a sort of friendship with their subject.

When you look at my photos, just look into the eyes of my subjects. The eyes say so much.

I've never been noticeably reticent about talking on subjects about which I know nothing.

No one wants to see or read about a dull subject. I don't consider myself a dull subject.

We are no longer citizens, we no longer have leaders. We're subjects, and we have rulers.

The best subjects are always people, who never fail to amaze me by their unpredictability.

Knowledge is the only instrument of production that is not subject to diminishing returns.

We ask the poet: 'What subject have you chosen?' instead of: 'What subject has chosen you?

My sculpture is very personal; for years my subjects were family and close, close friends.

Drop the whole subject and put it out of your mind and let your subconscious do its thing.

In photography, you always have both the medium and the depicted subject at the same time.

There's always a learning curve, where you've got to learn what your subject is all about.

I don't dig the candy floss and rosy kind of film subjects. Give me anything dark and grey!

Words can make the illness a subject I can master, and not one that one simply emotes over.

Everyone to me has to pick a subject to talk about in music if you're going to be a writer.

Cannot Hannah Arendt's 'banality of evil' be subject to transposition: the evil of banality?

The journalist cannot create his subjects any more than the analyst can create his patients.

No one writes anything worth writing, unless he writes entirely for the sake of his subject.

Evolution is one of the two or three most primally fascinating subjects in all the sciences.

The subjects have to come with questions for me. I don't make films where I'm a massive fan.

Ignorance breeds fear; the more you learn about your subject, the less fear it holds for you.

On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think about than our love for Him.

I like my subjects to be American, and not too dead, so I can interview people who knew them.

The subjects felt more comfortable if they played the role than if they had to be themselves.

What's always intriguing to me is transforming my subjects into a character from another era.

Science is not a subject you took in school. It's life. We are wrapped by it, in it, with it.

Pharma companies don't have a direct relationship with consumers, so they're always subjects.

I love the challenge of taking these really complicated subjects and trying to humanise them.

I prefer working in good cinema, wherever it is. I like subjects that have a universal appeal.

Anybody who is not shocked by this subject has failed to understand it. [of quantum mechanics]

To do art, one thing should always remember - subjects of people in misery have deep meanings.

My work is never intellectual. I never make a negative unless emotionally moved by my subject.

Strange bonds of trust and self-deception tend to grow between journalists and their subjects.

Once they were librarians, but that is a subject they will only discuss if heavily intoxicated.

The teacher who knows the most about a subject isn't necessarily the one who can teach it best.

I am certainly not allergic to causes - particularly on subjects such as religious intolerance.

When shucked and released from its edges, the windowless subject stands alone as its own thing.

I am one of those who hold that poetry is never so blithe as in a wanton and irregular subject.

In America, the people are not subjects of government, the government is subject to the people.

Nearly all interested parties think I write too shortly on the subjects that interest them most.

The rising levels of production and content are prompting producers to take up unusual subjects.

Experience has shown that the more fascinating the subject, the less observant the photographer.

We're kind of coached to stay away from touchy subjects just because of the arena that we're in.

Photography started as a means of getting reference material for my paintings of nature subjects.

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