You think you choose the subjects of your books. But sometimes, in ways you don't know, the books choose you.

Western civilization shapes the content of my films, provides me with subjects that haven't been used before.

One of the most striking things one finds about the child under 7-8 is his extreme assurance on all subjects.

School gives you the freedom to explore different philosophies, religions, aspects of yourself, and subjects.

There's science and there's science, is all I'm saying. Where humans are the subjects, it's mostly not science

Horror movies can be very interesting because they can deal with intangible subjects that are full of emotion.

The only things I could do were English, drama and history. I loved them subjects, but I hated everything else.

Films like 'Satya,' 'Company' needed a pan-Indian audience. The affinity for Hindi film and subjects was there.

I'm trying to talk about challenging subjects people might not like and trying to find relief as we discuss it.

OOO objects have all the abjection added back in. They don't behave like normalized patriarchal subjects at all.

I think there are definitely a lot of subjects I don't share with people, but I'm not sure where that border is.

Ultimately the product that any writer has to sell is not the subject being written about, but who he or she is.

Science fiction films are not about science. They are about disaster, which is one of the oldest subjects of art.

In love, everything is true, everything is false; it is the one subject on which one cannot express an absurdity.

You always have to find something to say about the subject and in seven cases out of ten there is nothing to say.

I think that political marriages are subject to more strain than most precisely because of the nature of politics.

The thing about documentary is that you don't really choose your subjects: they come and grab you out of your bed.

because if you can’t kill then you are always subject to those who can, and nothing and no one will ever save you.

All of my books deal in a very rough, rude fashion with subjects about which there are great conflicts of opinion.

There are some subjects in school that I love, but it can still feel like a chore. Acting never feels like a chore.

I must react selectively, contrarily, arbitrarily, perversely, and always with intensity directly from the subject.

I want to prove that if you write in strict meter and rhyme about subjects people care about, they will buy poetry.

The one thing that I do is take really complicated systems and subjects and make them accessible to regular people.

Private the creature of society and is subject to the calls of that society even to the last farthing.

GIS is the only technology that actually integrates many different subjects using geography as its common framework.

You're not going to get any true confessions out of me," she said. "I'm a Leo, and our thing is changing the subject.

The writers who accomplish most are those who compel thought on the highest and most profoundly interesting subjects.

I have a dormant director in me. I do think about subjects and films I want to make. I get pretty excited about them.

When you're dealing with serious subjects, there is a pressure to be absolutely sure that you know what you're doing.

This is my home. Home is where the disease is. As long as I stay in America, I'll never run out of subjects for songs.

I am sticking as closely to my subject as I can; for my subject is precisely this, that it is the masses, the majority

I was good at most subjects at school. Looking back, I was a proper boffin! Now, the thing I'm really good at is poker.

My favorite subjects was science and math. But as I got older, I was hanging out cutting class, going to hooky parties.

I love film, and I think it's so important for kids to be educated about films and real life subjects that films cover.

To me there is no such thing as creative writing. It's either good writing, whatever the subject, or it's not creative.

I want to make serious work that engages with serious subjects. I'm very lucky: I get to more or less make what I want.

By life's very nature we are compelled to find and maintain balance, or be subject to the symptoms of the lack thereof.

I never planned my movies. I never selected subjects to win the National Award. I did films that made the masses happy.

A man who has nothing in particular to recommend him discusses all sorts of subjects at random as if he knew everything.

Giorgio Morandi's paintings make me think that artists may not totally choose, or even control, their subjects or style.

Without democracy, we are voiceless subjects. But with it, we are citizens armed with the power to change our destinies.

I'm not easily inhibited by the fact that I don't know something about a subject. It doesn't stop me from dabbling in it.

If you want to rise in politics in the United States, there is one subject you must stay away from, and that is politics.

[John Wheeler] rejuvenated general relativity; he made it an experimental subject and took it away from the mathematicians

I knew a lot about what I did when I was 20. I had read a lot, and I aspired to learn everything I could about the subject.

As an engineer, I learned that a long time ago: you don't want to get into a rational discussion about irrational subjects.

You may have noticed that the less I know about a subject the more confidence I have, and the more new light I throw on it.

In the past, I think my films that focused on African subjects struggled in the marketplace because of their subject matter.

I wanted [photography] to be more than a document, to be something that is as close as you could possibly be to the subject.

The nature of love is that it catches you off-guard, subjects you to rules you have never faced, some of them contradictory.

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