I'm motivated by very small successes.

Well, a lot of successes come by mistake.

During my successes or my failures, I put it on me.

My life is full of way more mistakes than successes.

Learn from your mistakes and build on your successes.

I enjoyed my biggest successes with the national team.

The failures and successes are necessary for learning.

We reveal our joys and successes, we conceal our pain.

Failures are infinitely more instructive than successes.

When I'm struggling, I can still dream about my successes.

You learn more from your setbacks than from your successes.

Celebrate your successes. Find some humor in your failures.

You can't have any successes unless you can accept failure.

I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.

I don't remember all my successes, but I do remember failures.

Our best successes often come after our greatest disappointments.

I credit all of my life's successes to my ability to 'Stay Hyped.'

My biggest successes were mainly in the pop market during the 80s.

I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things.

We reflect on our successes and failures at monthly staff meetings.

We are a country that met successes in the fight against terrorism.

Despite the successes, you remember the failures - rather lovingly.

I am really not interested or excited by repeating former successes.

It is better to be young in your failures than old in your successes.

No actor can just have failures and no actor can just have successes.

The strength of the club is fundamental to the successes of Juventus.

My brother Wladimir will be responsible for further sporting successes.

The good news is in the record business, they only count your successes.

Books that do a tenth of what Left Behind has done are smashing successes.

I'm simply a businessman who has seen his share of failures and successes.

An over-reliance on past successes is a sure blueprint for future failures.

We never taste a perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness.

You must learn from your past mistakes, but not lean on your past successes.

I have really enjoyed my time at Ferrari, not just because of the successes.

See, me, I don't run away. During my successes or my failures, I put it on me.

When I think about my career, my successes are built on learning from failures.

We go out, we explore, we take risk. And our successes have to pay for all that.

Qurbani' was such an amazing film and one of the biggest successes of my career.

My position's always been we need to build on successes within ACA, fix the problems.

When you're in office, there are tangible moments when you can see tangible successes.

One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.

We must pass a national energy policy to continue our successes in the War on Terrorism.

With stand-up, it's more interesting to hear about people's failures than their successes.

Your successes and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them.

I've had some wonderful successes and some extreme disappointments in my career and my life.

I think as humans, no one remembers their successes, everyone just remembers their failures.

I don't define myself by my successes. I define myself by adversity and how I've persevered.

We never taste happiness in perfection, our most fortunate successes are mixed with sadness.

Writing's like gambling. Unpredictable and sporadic successes make you more addicted, not less.

We've made tremendous successes in clean energy. We should be proud of what we've accomplished.

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