In summer, the song sings itself.

Summertime, this is the time that you flex.

Americans are really in love with their summertime.

Maine is a movable music festival in the summertime.

I totally forget about snowboarding in the summertime.

Summer, summer, summertime time to sit back and unwind.

You can have a cold war with yourself, even in the summertime

I don't make speeches. I just let my bat speak for me in the summertime.

I still love farming and gardening and things like that in the summertime.

Summertime And the livin' is easy, Fish are jumpin', and the cotton is high.

A trade is a trade, but it's different as far as summertime versus in the season.

I'd just say the flies get bigger in the summertime. I guess the flies are buzzing.

In the Middle East in the summertime, to keep cool, a lot of people sleep on the rooftops.

Summertime in New York is always a lot of fun, and I can't wait for my second 'SummerSlam.'

I go out and salsa with friends, especially in the summertime. Now that's incredible cardio!

Christmas is always the most fun. I start looking forward to Christmas before it's even summertime.

In the summertime, I played Little League baseball; football in the fall; basketball in the winter.

In the summertime, it's always hard to introduce new series; everyone's ready for that in the fall.

New York and New Jersey are probably two of my favorite places to get really good surf in the summertime.

I was not a nice little girl. My favorite summertime hobby was stunning ants and feeding them to spiders.

In the summertime you'll find me back home in Atlanta, in the gym playing against whoever walks in that day.

New York's a big playground. I have a bike, and I'm really into just being outside. Especially in the summertime.

Summertime is my favorite time of year in Sandpoint, reason being, Lake Pend Oreille is warm and ready for action.

I wear black because I'm comfortable in it. But then in the summertime when it's hot I'm comfortable in light blue.

I drive a lot in the summertime, but after that, I don't drive if there's snow predicted for anywhere in 500 miles.

Just because it's summertime doesn't mean you can't wear long pants and blazers - just make sure they're breathable.

After much inner debate, I can safely proclaim that Mungo Jerry's 'In the Summertime' may, in fact, be the best song ever recorded.

I'd be sent down South in summertime to work with my grandmother in the field and working with cattle, chickens, beans and tobacco.

I worked in the summertime with the Bulls, I don't know, two-three years in a row, Vinny Del Negro, he told me I didn't play defense.

I've always been adventurous. In the summertime, my mom would lock me outside of the house and say, 'Do something, and come back later.'

Dry skin is unhappy, damage-prone skin, so apply a product to protect it from summertime drying agents like sunburns, salt and chlorine.

During the summertime, I really like to dress like a gypsy. I love that whole lifestyle and the whole mixing of fabrics and flowy materials.

It would've been amazing [to work as programmer]. You're good at numbers, you're good with people, you like to wear shorts in the summertime.

After spending more than 17 years playing for the NBA, in the summertime, I always came back to community service and different basketball clinics.

Don't fear the night time, Because the monsters know that you're divine. And don't fear the sunshine, Because everything is better in the summer time...

I love summertime more than anything else in the world. That is the only thing that gets me through the winter, knowing that summer is going to be there.

I grew up working on farms. You'd do anything for money. You'd pick blueberries in the summertime for weeks; you'd cut down, like, spruce and fir trees for pulp.

I treaded water academically and spent much of my summertime as a camp counselor. It seemed a fun thing to do for a person in no way prepared to commit to a career path.

I'm not really looking forward to wearing a black rubber suit in the summertime in humid Chicago. If you see a pool of sweat through the city, follow it and you will find me.

I grew up in kind of a resort community. I lived on a big lake. It was really cool growing up there. But a lot of people come there in the summertime, especially Seahawks guys.

Summertime where guys played pickup, we got a thing in Philly called Summertime Rec. In that summertime you can't duck no smoke. You can't duck nobody in that basketball vibes.

When I need to think of, like, a peaceful scene or something, I think of my back garden in summertime. And whenever I hear the lawnmower next door, I always think it's really peaceful.

Did you know there's probably more golf played in Iceland than most places in the world? They play 24 hours a day in the summertime and the northern part is warmer than the southern part.

I'm not a summertime guy. The only time I really enjoy the summer is touring and performing because there is nothing else for me to do at home. It's too hot, and you can't farm. You can't hunt.

I was ready to move up a weight class, but I can still make 140. If I'm back in the ring in the summertime I know I can make 140 with the heat. I've always been disciplined so it's no problem for me.

I used to, in the summertime, spend so much money doing a lot of fun stuff. Now, I'm actually consciously trying to save so we can live how we want to live after basketball. I've even sold a few things.

I'm just wearing regular street clothes. Pretty much all the time. In the summertime, or when it gets warm out, shorts and sandals or something like that. Stuff that I don't mind getting a little sweaty.

Whenever I'm out on the basketball court, I lace up and just hoop. Whether it's in summertime, at practice, in the games, playoffs, every time I step out on the basketball court, I approach it the same way.

There's something particular about the way Los Angeles feels in the summertime. It slows down and is hazy and dreamy, and you can put on certain music and go for a drive and be totally sober but feel stoned.

When I think of summertime as a kid, I think of my Grampy's gardens full of tomatoes, buckets heaping with blackberries, and countertops lined with an assortment of Ball jars, ready to can the flavor of summer.

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