It's never sunny in Buffalo.

Her sunny side was always up.

She was by nature a sunny soul

I don't complain when it's sunny.

Not always behind the scenes is it sunny.

A shady business never yields a sunny life.

Life did not present its sunny side to thee.

Hawaii is so boring because it's always sunny.

A sunny disposition is worth more than fortune.

I'm very sunny. You know, I'm always optimistic.

It is good To lengthen to the last a sunny mood.

It is such a splendid sunny day and I have to go.

A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.

I don't know what to do with myself when it's sunny!

The Riviera isn't only a sunny place for shady people.

Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street.

Sunny is what you are. Everything else is what you think.

By nature, I really am a fairly bouncy and sunny individual.

In Texas it's always hot, dry, sunny, not a cloud in the sky.

Horus non numero nisi serenas (I count only the sunny hours).

Sunny didn't make a fool out of Phineas, God beat her to that.

Like the sundial, my paint box counts no hours but sunny ones.

In politics, sunny days and rainy days can change very quickly.

Whether it is sunny or rainy, make your walk to your destination!

I think the players like to play with sunny days and warm weather.

My favourite city is Miami. It's very fresh and the beach is sunny.

My favorite television show is 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.'

The Stormy life can be braved Only by the heart's Sunny meditations.

I really enjoy being outside in L.A. because it's so warm and sunny.

There's no peace like the peace of an inner courtyard on a sunny day.

Every sunny morning is a great fountain; we quaff 'sweet hope' from it.

Look - 'sunny ways' don't pay the bills. You have to have opportunities.

When you're from Cali and it's always sunny, you kind of want some rain.

My first year in Miami, I didn't even know it was sunny during the winter.

We all have these places where shy humiliations gambol on sunny afternoons.

How do you do?" said Violet. "How do you do?" said Klaus. "Odo yow!" said Sunny.

To see the big picture, get out of the dark valleys, climb to the sunny summits!

I've never been a sunny personality. I've never been outgoing. I'm a solitary person.

With spots of sunny openings, and with nooks To lie and read in, sloping into brooks.

It would be difficult to write a convincing ghost story set on a sunny day in a big city.

Rapidly, merrily, Life's sunny hours flit by, Gratefully, cheerily Enjoy them as they fly!

As long as I have beaches, some good friends around me, it's 75 degrees and sunny, I'm good.

Who cares about the clouds when we're together? Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.

I was born in June, so I like summer, and my favourite part of a sunny day is when the sun sets.

When I look at green trees on a sunny day, I don't know how to make an interesting picture of that.

Undoubtedly Sunny Deol, he is the most handsome Sardar. You cannot look better than him in a turban.

My favorite thing about L.A. is the sunny breezes that mimic the mindset of the energy in the people.

On some days, I just want to sit under a shooting umbrella in a sunny outdoor location all over again.

I like the contrast in making something that sounds sunny but also has an element of melancholy to it.

I love the show 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia;' that's probably a guilty pleasure! I laugh so hard.

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