I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.

So in my junior year, I switched to the drama department.

I switched between professions that are like chalk and cheese.

I don't drink any more so I switched my obsession to musicals.

So, I simply switched over to wine because it was not carbonated.

I'm so unhappy with electoral politics that I switched to sports radio.

When I was younger, I used to be a high jumper before I switched to hurdles.

When I'm playing football I'm switched off to everything else - it frees my mind.

We switched everything in G League so I had a lot of time to work on my switching.

I'm a very simple and calm man, but when the camera is switched on, acting begins.

I always wanted to be a pilot, though somewhere down the line switched to computers.

Once, in third grade, we switched classes and nobody knew until our mother stepped in.

Most of us walk around with our ears switched off because so much noise is unpleasant.

Star Trek' ushered in the end of the Westerns. Then the canvas switched to the sci-fi canvas.

What switched me to films was the flood of American pictures into Paris after the Liberation.

I try and have a relaxed attitude and stay quite switched off until about an hour before kick-off.

I spent my time chasing rucks and never managing to hit any, so I quickly switched out to the backs.

This is the problem today. Men and women have switched places. The woman now acts more like the man.

When I got back to Madison Avenue, I realized that copywriters made more than artists, so I switched.

After the first exams, I switched to the Faculty of Philosophy and studied Zoology in Munich and Vienna.

Whoever you are, you have to be that. You know? I was always who I was. I never changed, I never switched.

If everybody switched to organic farming, we couldn't support the earth's current population - maybe half.

I played rugby most of my life and then I switched to snowboarding, which provided me a lot of inspiration.

I was a crazy guy in Hollywood back in the day, and then when I switched into theater, I got into work mode.

I was a dance major at NYU, but it wasn't working out. I had friends in the drama department, so I switched.

I did science at the junior college level but switched to a bachelor's in mass media at MMK College, Bandra.

We should assume that the end product can be switched off by any consumer who is offended or frightened by it.

I'm beyond excited to join the cast of 'Switched At Birth' and to be part of such a great show on a great network.

Many coal-fired power plants are being decommissioned or switched over to natural gas, but that takes a long time.

I think it's good to have switched to a much more visual world and that people are not all that interested in words.

You can't feel your way into an Ashes series, you have to be switched on from ball one. That's just me in a nutshell.

I am hoping that they come up with some new technology where you can track down your phone even after it's switched off.

I never did anything else. In college I switched majors every two weeks, and acting was the only thing that held my interest.

Probably the best caddies are the smartest ones and the ones that are switched on mentally more than some of the others maybe.

I was doing nuclear med I didn't like it. My first semester I switched to film major. YouTube helped make that decision for me.

Most people who know me know I'm not switched on all the time. I don't like to be like that in real life, because it's draining.

It's not that easy, but the moment the camera is switched on, I have to mould myself to breathe life into the characters I portray.

Senator Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election.

I did ballet at the Menlo Park Academy of Dance from age 4 to 11, but then I switched to ballroom, and I've been doing that ever since.

When I was on the court, I played. When I trained, I trained hard. But as soon as that thing was over, I switched off and enjoyed my life.

My husband and I had a very pragmatic agreement right from the start: whoever earns more works full time. So we switched the classic roles.

My dad was a baseball coach, and then I switched to softball. Baseball was all I knew until I crossed over. It never seemed like a big deal.

I think it is good when your blood is pumping, you are feeling lively, nice and warm, you are loose, you are awake, and your brain is switched on.

I wanted to support things that are helpful to people and maybe bash what I think is dangerous. So I switched from being everybody to being myself.

I went to Duke University in the medical track. And then I decided I wanted to do something more creative, so I switched to biochemistry at Nebraska.

I've always worn my wedding band when I'm working out. A few years ago I realized how dangerous wearing a metal band could be and switched to silicone.

It could have been me. And just the hope and prayers that, you know, if, if the shoes were switched, that you know, Laci would do the same thing for me.

I was valedictorian of my class until I switched to a neighboring high school, but I maintained the grades and involvement. Switching schools was tough.

I'm sort of agnostic. I grew up Catholic and switched to Episcopalian in college because I sang in churches to have money to buy pizza and french fries.

I'm a single parent and it just wouldn't have been possible for me to carry on in 'Primeval' once filming of the show switched to Dublin for ten months.

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