Don't take for granted things.

Success is easy to take for granted.

There is so much that people take for granted.

Community isn't something I ever take for granted.

You never can take for granted that you have a job.

Communication is something we all take for granted.

Being a mom is something that I never take for granted.

'Reality' is a notion that journalists take for granted.

We take for granted how our mind puts everything together.

Clean water is such a treasure that we take for granted in America.

I will never, ever take for granted scoring a hundred for Australia.

I'm a lucky guy. I don't take for granted, for one minute, what I do.

Sight is something you take for granted until you think you might lose it.

We have to remind ourselves that what we take for granted now is hard-won.

I want people to know that I don't take for granted what's been given to me.

We take for granted electricity, water, even concerts. Count your blessings.

When God gives you a second chance, it's not something you take for granted.

Life is a precious gift - a gift we often take for granted until it is threatened.

I think I've begun to take for granted how easily information can swirl around me.

Youth is something I never wanna take for granted. I just want to smile and live life.

I find that the kinds of music I'm drawn to are those that a lot of people take for granted.

For me, the opportunity to express myself in this way is something I don't take for granted.

Firstly, people take for granted that the E.U. has created the biggest economic space in the world.

Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted... but to weigh and consider.

I don't take for granted that I wake up. I appreciate it when I do, those times when it still happens.

I'm blessed to be able to work at something that I'm good at, and that I love. It's not something I take for granted.

I've loved basketball my entire life and to be able to cover this sport is a privilege that I don't take for granted.

I love being a Duke student, and continuing to be part of the university culture is something I don't take for granted.

It's not a bad idea to occasionally spend a little time thinking about things you take for granted. Plain everyday things.

Don't take for granted that the worthiness of your cause will win you allies; bring it down to a scale that people can relate to.

I'll never take for granted the amazing relationship me and my husband have, because I know so few are lucky enough to have that!

How quickly we forget God's great deliverances in our lives. How easily we take for granted the miracles he performed in our past.

Because it's free, easy to use, and high-quality, photography is now a fixture in our daily lives - something we take for granted.

Awareness requires a rupture with the world we take for granted; then old categories of experience are called into question and revised.

I never take for granted how great Australia is and how well I have been treated here, so thank you for this chance at making a good life.

Whenever I get frustrated, I tell myself, you could be working at a 7-Eleven right now, so never take for granted what you do for a living.

We cannot forget the little things we take for granted in America that remain the disdain of dictators and terrorists throughout the world.

The modern labor movement that began around the mid-19th century has given us many of the basic working rights that we now take for granted.

Every three seconds in the developing world, a child dies needlessly due to lack of basic health care and other things we all take for granted.

There's so much rich interaction with drivers that we take for granted. It seems like a mundane thing, but it turns out to be a really big deal.

I love this country because I didn't always have it. Freedom, food, water that is clean, Constitution - these are not things I take for granted.

I take pride in a lot of things people take for granted, so when opportunities come my way, I just cherish them and try to make the most of them.

Through space-based climate studies, my colleagues and I have learned that a stable and comfortable climate is not something to take for granted.

As a white man who has had privileges that others could not depend on or take for granted, I've clearly had advantages over the course of my life.

The most interesting lessons often lie in the mundane - those aspects of everyday life that locals take for granted and tourists tend to overlook.

I would not take for granted that my personal life - because I knew better than anybody - that it was just a life. It was surprisingly an ordinary life.

Having children made us look differently at all these things that we take for granted, like taking your child to get a vaccine against measles or polio.

I hope maybe 'The Returned,' in some small way, can contribute to the argument of the poignancy of human life and make people not take for granted things.

I was working in email in the early days in the late '80s, and people weren't using electronic communications at all in the way we take for granted today.

As a modern woman, there are things I take for granted, and that shows up in the way I sit, the way I walk, the way I think, and what I know to be possible.

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