Set me anything to do as a task, and it is inconceivable the desire I have to do something else.

The great task of our time is to build a global society, where people can live together in peace

I'm not sure I'm happy with words such as "task" or "role" when they are attached to literature.

Our task is nothing less than the creation of a new constitutional order for a new united Europe.

It is always a much easier task to educate uneducated people than to re-educate the mis-educated.

It is our duty and our joy to communicate our hearts to each other. Words assist us in this task.

I believe that one can indeed work on two or more tasks at once, but in ways yet to be understood.

The task of youth is not only its own salvation but the salvation of those against whom it rebels.

Learn to live, and live to learn, Ignorance like a fire doth burn, Little tasks make large return.

The most original thing a writer can do is write like himself. It is also his most difficult task.

The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone.

Working ten hour days allows you to fall behind twice as fast as you could working five hour days.

The supreme task is to organize and unite people so that their anger becomes a transforming force.

More and more software would just increase the number of tasks that the computer would help solve.

The Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth.

It is a difficult task to talk to the purpose, and to put life and perspicuity into our discourse.

To get up in the morning & do the monumental tasks that face us, our labor is best fueled by love.

The preservation of freedom, is not the task of soldiers alone. The whole nation has to be strong.

One of the most difficult tasks of visioneering is distinguishing between good ideas and God ideas.

To be extremely happy but extremely intelligent is a task of being optimistic without being cheesy.

To the family is entrusted the task of striving, first and foremost, to unleash the forces of good.

Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There's nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task

The work of internal government has become the task of controlling the thousands of fifth-rate men.

I manage my time by prioritizing tasks, working smarter not harder, and by avoiding procrastination.

When we intentionally seek out the difficult tasks, we're much more likely to actually create value.

Our task is to live our personal communion with Christ with such intensity as to make it contagious.

It is not the task of the University to offer what society asks for, but to give what society needs.

A man's task is to find himself, and if he fails in this, it doesn't much matter what else he finds.

One of the hardest tasks is to extract continually from one's soul an almost inexhaustible ill will.

The main task of Socialism - the organization of Socialist production - remains still in the future.

Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.

All of us task-oriented obsessive compulsives must learn to slow down and let people into our lives.

It is rather suitable for umpires to dress like dentists, since one of their tasks is to draw stumps.

Once the product's task is known, design the interface first; then implement to the interface design.

We have had scarce investment in women... One of my tasks is that everyone spends much more on women.

Scientists seek the lawfulness of events. It is the task of Religion to fit man into this lawfulness.

To make your life being a writer, it's an auto-slavery ... you are both the slave and the task-master.

We are learning to do a great many clever things. The next great task will be to learn not to do them.

The task of the right eye is to peer into the telescope, while the left eye peers into the microscope.

The artist's task consists of making one thing of many, and a world from the smallest part of a thing.

It isn't making mistakes that's critical; it's correcting them and getting on with the principal task.

When the theater gates open, a mob pours inside, and it is the poet's task to turn it into an audience.

The biggest task in the morning is to try to keep my headspace from being invaded by the outside world.

The task of a leader is to simplify. You should be able to explain where you need to go in two minutes.

There's going to be some joyful lifting for us if you will in terms of some of the tasks we have to do.

The almost insoluble task is to let neither the power of others, nor our own powerlessness, stupefy us.

The fact that our task is exactly commensurate with our life gives it the appearance of being infinite.

In my opinion the teaching of volleyball technique, ..., must always be correlated with tactical tasks.

It has been a woman's task throughout history to go on believing in life when there was almost no hope.

I read the Scriptures at the American Cathedral on Christmas and Easter; that's it. It's a task I love.

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