If we do not roll up our sleeves to the task of the Gospel in our days, then we will amount to virtually nothing for God.

I conceive the essential task of religion to be "to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind".

While it is good that we seek to know the Holy One, it is probably not so good to presume that we ever complete the task.

The habit of giving up when the present task is half finished and try something else is one of the chief causes of failure.

Don't search for inspiration when you have a task to do; Just start your work and you will see that it will soon find you.

You have to be doing things that matter - responsibility, but also responsibility with epic and beautiful and noble tasks.

If you have behaved badly, repent, make what amends you can and address yourself to the task of behaving better next time.

Painful as the task is to describe the dark side of our affairs, it sometimes becomes a matter of indispensable necessity.

I'm after something far more esoteric than a virginal shag. Though, if you'd like, darlin', I'm certainly up for the task.

As an astronaut, you have a very defined set of tasks to do. Those tasks may require you to work 60, 70 or 80 hours a week.

Still, whether we like it or not, the task of speeding up the decrease of the human population becomes increasingly urgent.

I'm the ultimate organizer! My major at Stanford was "Organizational Behavior" so I love to multi-task and stay extra busy.

Now I spend hours on headlines - days if necessary. And when I get a good headline, I know that my task is nearly finished.

Learning the art of painting is not an easy task. It takes a great deal of intelligence, keen analysis, study and practice.

Education is a task for both parents and state. The state, parents, and children all have interests that must be protected.

As a conductor I find the hardest tasks are to listen to the instinct of a musician and to hear the music behind the notes.

I'm a big list maker. But if I cross off too many tasks and it's hard to see the remaining ones, I have to start a new list.

Those tasks that have been entrusted to us are difficult; almost everything serious is difficult; and everything is serious.

If technology can remove some of the labour-intensive tasks where the computer can do better than the human eye; that helps.

The task of saving the earth's environment must and will become the central organizing principle of the post-Cold War world.

The task of art today is to bring chaos into order. Artistic productivity is the capacity for being voluntarily involuntary.

Whenever the medium of photography is useful for a particular task, I use it. If another medium is more suitable I use that.

It is an inherent property of intelligence that it can jump out of a task which it is performing and survey what it has done.

The tools used by the surgeons must be adapted to the task and where the human brain is concerned they cannot be too refined.

Poverty is part of the natural condition and that is bad enough. But my task is to prevent the aggravation of this condition.

The true task is to unite and organize all workers...and it is the workers themselves who must secure freedom for themselves.

Jean Paul Sartre says in "No Exit" that hell is other people. Well, our task in life is to make it heaven. Or at least earth.

The world is hungry to hear the truth. ... We have it. Are we equal to the task-to the responsibility God has placed upon us?

Whatever you do, do it so well that people looking on will feel that the task was reserved especially for you by God Himself.

It seems to me nowadays that the most important task for someone who is aging is to spread love and warmth whenever possible.

Research shows you get multiple tasks done faster if you do them one at a time. It also decreases stress and raises happiness.

My task was to show the psychologists that it is possible to apply physiological knowledge to the phenomena of psychical life.

Some people appear to be more meager in talent than they are, just because the tasks they set themselves are always too great.

Every artist has a central story to tell, and the difficulty, the impossible task, is trying to present that story in pictures

The resource allocation task of top management has received too much attention when compared to the task of resource leverage.

The proper task of the Savior is that he is a savior; indeed, for this he came into the world: to seek and save what was lost.

The eradication of anti-personnel mines around the world is one of the most important tasks facing the international community.

motivation is highest when the probability of success is 50 percent: We don't get involved if the task is too easy or too hard.

I have an object, a task, let me say the word, a passion. The profession of writing is a violent and almost indestructible one.

Teachers should be very careful not to spoil their pupils' taste for poetry for all time by making it a task and an imposition.

As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.

It is our task-our essential, central, crucial task-to transform ourselves from mere social creatures into community creatures.

As a reader you have a task to do, you have something to do. You bring your experience to it. It's not all inherit in the poem.

Our task - and the task of all education - is to understand the present world, the world in which we live and make our choices.

Whoever today speaks of human existence in terms of power, efficiency, and historical tasks is an actual or potential assassin.

The task of the architectural project is to reveal, through the transformation of form, the essence of the surrounding context.

Whatever you're working on, take small bites. The task will not be overwhelming if you can reduce it to its smallest component.

When you're afraid of someone's judgment, you can't connect with them. You're too preoccupied with the task of impressing them.

The virtue as the art consecrates itself constantly to what's difficult to do, and the harder the task, the shinier the success.

The Task Force didn't produce any earth-shattering findings but it suggests that this matter is on the president's radar screen.

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