I love learning new techniques.

There are no techniques in politics.

I am learning self-defense techniques.

I'm not a solid enough actor to have techniques.

A lot of acting techniques are very self-oriented.

Great scientific contributions have been techniques.

I don't think we'll ever use the same sound techniques.

I don't use the techniques I learned at NYU much anymore.

Recipes tell you nothing. Learning techniques is the key.

There are a lot of techniques for developing a character.

I don't stick to special techniques, conscious techniques.

Honestly, I don't have any special techniques for Sean Sherk.

As a close-up magician, I was using gambling cheating techniques.

Breathing techniques in yoga help me keep my mind cool and stable.

We can be eaten by techniques and forget what we have inside of us.

I'd rather duplicate it myself. Another of our favourite techniques.

So I used formal techniques to make the film more perceptive emotionally.

Very simple techniques, when you have a lot of data, work incredibly well.

There are techniques of Buddhism, such as meditation, that anyone can adopt.

My dad taught me a lot of meditative techniques. I used that to my advantage.

I think people's interpretation of a body slam is different than the techniques.

I believe a training plan that involves MMA techniques is a sure way to being fit.

I try new techniques and styles almost every day, so I'm always challenging myself.

I am not influenced by the techniques or fashions of any other motion picture company.

I think there's too much saturated color in comics, thanks to digital color techniques.

The use of these techniques against these terrorists made us safer. It really did work.

Today's recording techniques would have been regarded as science fiction forty years ago.

I don't use any techniques; I'm not trained to be an actor. I just enjoy working in films.

Having a guy on a microphone yelling lines at you is counter to a lot of acting techniques.

For me, it's always the same: worrying about how I can get better, the techniques I can do.

My approach goes way beyond simply ingredients and techniques. Every dish has to have a story.

I want my films to be different, to use different techniques, not just make a calling card film.

There are different techniques - some interventionists are really loving, others are very tough.

Being a parent is too complicated and emotional a task for magical techniques and miracle cures.

Progress comes to those who train and train; reliance on secret techniques will get you nowhere.

I had classic technique - one of the best techniques when I was like 10, 12, but then I changed.

The techniques I developed for studying turbulence, like weather, also apply to the stock market.

Injuries are part of the game, but sometimes we can avoid them by just practicing our techniques.

One of the most misleading representational techniques in our language is the use of the word 'I.'

All the techniques to help stay calm and focused, to control your mind, have all really helped me.

My techniques are basics, but my willingness to be in the pocket and see things is very high level.

Traditionalists will have to master techniques of sustained activism formerly monopolized by the left.

The techniques that you learn as a male fighter are the same techniques you learn as a female fighter.

Urban farming is not only possible, it is crucial. But it can't be like the farming techniques of yore.

Forensic techniques are enormously useful in a wide range of fields outside the criminal justice system.

Every problem can be solved as long as they use common sense and apply the right research and techniques.

My music sounds different because the techniques are archaic, seeing as most people only record digitally.

I wanted to make sure to always stay current, try to find new material and stay with the modern techniques.

It is the emergence of mass media which makes possible the use of propaganda techniques on a societal scale.

Challenging snow is one of my favorite kinds of skiing, and I like being able to switch techniques at liberty.

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