I'm a homebody times ten.

Habit is ten times nature.

I love 'Starship Troopers.' I've seen it ten times.

God hates a half-devil ten times more than an arch-devil!

Every dream I've ever had in life has come true ten times over.

All these people I interview are worth ten times what I'm worth.

You think publishing is tough but the music world is ten times tougher.

Am I a romantic? I've seen 'Wuthering Heights' ten times. I'm a romantic.

The lowest budget U.S. films are ten times times better than shooting in Tibet.

Now at 47, 48 I am expected to do ten times better work that I did when I was 24.

By the time a man gets to be presidential material, he's been bought ten times over.

He who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again, and ten times more.

Let us be clear: I take ten times more money for a concert than for an opera performance.

Pay attention to the big themes because that's what will help you earn ten times your money.

As a woman, I think Margaret Thatcher felt she had to be ten times more prepared than the men.

I love recreating, and I love elevating - anything I do I want do ten times better every time.

We all get so excited about the big events, but when there's an animal involved, it's ten times harder.

When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work.

Writers write these male stereotypes, and it makes it ten times more interesting if a woman says the lines.

My dad read the Bible ten times, and I want to do it in my lifetime. But it's definitely tough getting through.

Buying a banner, you have no control whether ten different people see your ad once, or one person sees it ten times.

You know, I watched the original 'Same Time, Next Year' on DVD about ten times this year, and I cried all ten times.

If you don't speak Spanish, then don't accuse me of insulting you in that language, let alone insulting you ten times.

The average celebrity meets, in one year, ten times the amount of people that the average person meets in his entire life.

Super-Earths are how we call a family of planets... up to two times larger and about ten times more massive than the Earth.

I look at what I've gone through in my career and I really shouldn't be talking to you now. I should be dead ten times over.

One must do the same subject over again ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must resemble an accident, not even movement.

You can win ten times, and then you are not able to win five times. I have to discover the reason why, and I am going to find that.

From the first day we opened Wynkoop, my brewpub in Denver, I knew I'd be ten times better running a restaurant than I was a geologist.

I landed in 1980 in Bangkok, and I stopped to eat ten times between the airport and the hotel. It was all lemongrass and ginger and chilies.

Walk up and down the stairs ten times a day. Do an hour's walking. Release toxins just so that you feel happy. Drink a lot of water; sleep on time.

Nobody was my support. You have to support yourself, and I think that is the beauty of being a woman. You can handle anything and be ten times better than men.

You would think that with ten super-famous people in one movie, it's gonna be ten times more popular or viewed, but on some level, they can cancel each other out.

The Pentagon talks about our power to 'overkill' Russia ten times, twenty times, perhaps forty-eight times. For my tax money, it is sufficient to overkill them once.

The LED light bulb is more than ten times the efficiency of regular incandescent lighting, so it can save the world hundreds of billions of dollars in electricity costs.

The Ting Tings have been a huge hit in my family. I have two young daughters, and both of them love that record, so I pretty much have to listen to that ten times a day.

When I was a child, she'd have me wash the lettuce ten times or open walnuts by hand to make a cake. I was like, 'Mom, this is ridiculous.' But now? I run my kitchen the same way.

I've met people who will go to a movie that I can't stand and they say that they saw that movie ten times. There's something they like and identified in that movie, and I don't see it.

I know hotel life sounds good but, believe me, it grows old when you have eaten the menu ten times over and you know you've stayed too long when you're on first-name terms with the staff.

I believed in the concept of over-performing. I believe anyone can achieve their goals in life if they over-perform, and that means you have to work ten times harder than anybody you see.

A hundred struggle and drown in the breakers. One discovers the new world. But rather, ten times rather, die in the surf, heralding the way to that new world, than stand idly on the shore.

I desire to press forward for direction to my Master in all things; but as to trusting to my own obedience and righteousness, I should be worse than a fool and ten times worse than a madman.

One thing about an artist, it doesn't matter how much your work sells for in your life, it's going to sell for ten times more than that after you're dead, and that's what you have to protect.

I would be up until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning on nights I was facing a wall. Because when I walked into WWE, I was told I was going to be fired ten times because I'm the smallest guy around.

I've built a solid career there, but America's ten times the size. Now that we're onto the third record, I feel like the stars have aligned and American audiences are embracing my music even more.

The truth is, successful people are not ten times smarter than you. They don't really work ten times harder than you. So why are they successful? Because their dreams are so much bigger than yours!

If I had made another 'Maxinquaye,' I'd have had ten times as much success. I ain't going down that path, because that way you're totally controlled by people around you. I don't want to be controlled.

That movie 'Hellraiser 2' - to me, that was the most evilest display of evil I've ever seen. I watched that movie ten times because I couldn't believe that each character became more evil than the other.

It was Christopher's brilliant concept that he did not want this to become like every other sitcom where you do one take, and the audience gets bored with seeing it ten times, you know, over and over again.

He who has seen one cathedral ten times has seen something; he who has seen ten cathedrals once has seen but little; and he who has spent half an hour in each of a hundred cathedrals has seen nothing at all.

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