Empire breeds terrorism.

All terrorism is theater.

We all condemn terrorism.

Terrorism is not a small problem.

Terrorism gets people's attention.

Terrorism is not related to Islam.

The Republic will destroy terrorism.

Nothing, nothing justifies terrorism.

Hate speech is a specie of terrorism.

The real threat comes from terrorism.

Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism.

You must use force against terrorism.

Terrorism is not new to black people.

You're always going to have terrorism.

The war against terrorism is terrorism.

Death is only a byproduct of terrorism.

Tentacles of terrorism spread everywhere

Terrorism is contempt for human dignity.

Global terrorism threatens every region.

Terrorism has no nationality or religion.

Terrorism is the symptom, not the disease.

The root cause of terrorism is terrorists.

War can't end terrorism. War is terrorism.

Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.

The root causes of terrorism is terrorists.

War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times.

Terrorism against our nation will not stand.

Behind mass immigration, there is terrorism.

The war against terrorism is one we must win.

Every statute for terrorism requires violence.

We still lack a global definition of terrorism.

Living in a city is stressful absent terrorism.

The Republic will not be destroyed by terrorism.

I'm against torture. I'm also against terrorism.

Terrorism will spill over if you don't speak up.

Terrorism is actually a very expensive business.

Fanaticism and terrorism have no place in Islam.

Any terrorism is an attack on libertarian values.

How do you defeat terrorism? Don’t be terrorized.

Terrorism should be struck down with an iron hand.

Death has but one terror, that it has no tomorrow.

We must find out where the roots of terrorism lie.

The solution to terrorism is education, not bombs.

Ecoterrorism is terrorism against the environment.

I grew up in Punjab when terrorism was at its peak.

9/11 woke us up, a nuclear 9/11 could shut us down.

I never call it an insurgency. I call it terrorism.

Terrorism itself is not the greatest danger we face.

Terrorism is you winning hearts and minds of people.

Terrorism and negotiations simply don't go together.

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