I think that testosterone is a rare poison.

Washington is awash in post-war testosterone.

Testosterone levels are highest in the morning.

So, if anatomy is destiny then testosterone is doom.

Come on, Kaylee, before I choke on testosterone and melodrama.

Real competition can drive up testosterone, which boosts libido.

If your body produces testosterone naturally, fine. Mine doesn't.

I have three boys, so I live in a household full of testosterone.

Testosterone makes you completely out of control, but that's okay.

When you fight, anger drives up testosterone in both men and women.

A doctor prescribed testosterone for depression and it truly helped me.

I get really aggravated if I don't train, if I don't let that testosterone out.

I grew up with a lot of boys. I probably have a lot of testosterone for a woman.

Testosterone to me is so important for a sense of well-being when you get older.

I have a little bit of extra testosterone, and it's good to put it to work when I can.

Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.

You know what it is you smell on him, Haven? Testosterone. It's leaking out of his pores.

Saliva has testosterone and estrogen. When you kiss, you're having a chemical experience.

In professional wrestling, I'm sure in combat sports, there's always gonna be testosterone.

Every time you cuddle with your children, you're likely to be driving down your testosterone.

Testosterone overload?" Merinus gave an unladylike grunt. "More like asshole overload if you ask me.

Everyone always noticed Ashley. She was like a flashing neon sign for anyone with an ounce of testosterone.

I like there to be some testosterone in rock, and it's like I'm the one in the dress who has to provide it.

I just gravitate to those more testosterone-filled sort of parts than me playing something a bit more fairy-like.

Check your testosterone levels. Every study on evolutionary psychology has correlated testosterone levels with dominance.

I think sometimes women are not driven by the same, albeit, testosterone power thing that pushes men to get into politics.

Importantly, rather than promoting aggression, testosterone promotes whatever is needed to maintain status when challenged.

Look, there's no proof that athletes like us who may have higher testosterone levels are benefiting from this natural human body trait.

The testosterone levels of a normal male can be anywhere from 300-1,000 nanograms. For the average female, it's 10-70. Mine is around 7.

If you bring in testosterone outside your body, it probably stops producing it because it thinks you're going to get it from the outside.

I think a lot of bands would rather put mediocre rock tracks on their album to try to maintain some sort of testosterone badge of courage.

For women, it is difficult because things are very male testosterone driven. Box office numbers are important and male stars tend to get them.

We play a very violent sport, and sometimes it leads to a lot of emotion, a lot of testosterone getting built up, and it comes out in various ways.

I might actually be allergic to testosterone. Whenever I've felt a testosterone rush I get, like, sick afterwards, and I feel exhausted and terrible.

Wall Street trading floors have long been seen as bastions of testosterone that rewarded, literally, those with sharp elbows who could throw a punch.

When my own son was 12, we didn't want toy guns in the house. So he just picked up a stick and went, 'Bam! Bam! Bam!' That's the testosterone of a 12-year-old boy.

The debate analysis in the media is rampant with contest analogies of war, baseball, boxing, football; you name it. Any testosterone contest imaginable is fair game.

I don't know if I'm quite grizzly enough. My facial hair is still very thin and patchy. I feel someone who plays Wolverine potentially needs testosterone in abundance.

What's so interesting about 'Point Break' to me is that it's a study of testosterone and adrenaline by a woman. That's why it's little more interesting than it should be.

Regardless of your sex, if you have elevated testosterone levels in your blood, you're more likely to think a face with a neutral expression is instead looking threatening.

There's a great sense of achievement, testosterone, fun, being able to live out your masculinity when you play an action role or an action-adventure or a real tough-guy role.

Stadium tunnels are often tight and filled with testosterone. With that combination of a confined space and emotions running high you get the ideal scenario for confrontation.

I was asked to do some studies to see if I was different. And I do have more male testosterone than the average woman does. Whether that makes me more aggressive, I don't know.

As for testosterone, it's gotten a bum rap. Yes, it has tons to do with aggression but it doesn't cause aggression as much as sensitizes you to the environmental triggers of aggression.

Years ago I was diagnosed with a condition, and my doctors prescribed human growth hormone and testosterone for its treatment. Under medical supervision, I have continued to use both medications.

In my experience, it's all wonderful with girls until about 16. Around that time, boys kind of calm down and start focusing their testosterone. Girls get a little challenging, especially for fathers.

I think women are not as hung up on the testosterone thing. They're more collaborative. They multitask better, and I think they're more results-oriented. They just want to cut to the chase and get it done.

High testosterone levels have been proven to make men more likely to commit crimes. The tendency in men toward risky behaviour keeps turning up even where socialization is different, and so does crime and delinquency.

Ampoules containing cortisone, testosterone gel residues, syringes and needles, a centrifuge for measuring my blood values.But, contrary to the erroneous reports in the press, they didn't find any EPO or growth hormone.

The silent killer of all great men and women of achievement - particularly men, I don't know why, maybe it's the testosterone - I think it's narcissism. Even more than hubris. And for women, too. Narcissism is the killer.

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