I've never seen 'The Simpsons.'

I'm happy watching 'The Simpsons' at home.

Aerosmith went on The Simpsons and they had fun.

'The Simpsons' is an especially collaborative show.

ESPN has so many characters, it's like 'The Simpsons.'

That guy in 'The Simpsons' - I love Groundskeeper Willie.

I've been a diehard fan of 'The Simpsons' since I was a kid.

With The Simpsons you can go back to work with a keen heart.

I like the 'Simpsons' pinball machines. Those are pretty great.

Are the Simpsons cool? They are, and that is crude 2D animation.

I simply adore 'The Simpsons.' I go to bed in a 'Simpsons' T-shirt.

I loved 'The Simpsons' because it didn't talk down to its audience.

I always say that 'Futurama' is real, and 'The Simpsons' is fiction.

I'm always watching old episodes of 'The Golden Girls' or 'The Simpsons.'

The Simpsons take up so little time that I'm able to do other things as well.

I've said all along I've never competed with 'The Simpsons.' Not in my own mind.

'The Simpsons' is still my favorite show. I have a really strong connection to it.

Is there a sharper commentary on American culture and the world than The Simpsons?

By June 1990, I'd racked up 'written by' credits on both 'Newhart' and 'The Simpsons.'

'The Simpsons' is a tough act to follow, so I thought it was best not to do what they do.

With 'The Simpsons,' people didn't know what they were gonna see. They didn't have a clue.

'Monty Python' and 'The Simpsons' have ruined comedy for writers for the rest of our lives.

I like 'The Simpsons' like everybody else. But yeah - people think I'll always be super intense.

I like 'The Simpsons' quite a lot. I love the irreverent character of the whole show. It's great.

I had the X rating on my films. Now they do as much on The Simpsons as I got an X rating for Fritz the Cat.

Because good writing in a TV cartoon is so rare, I think the animation on The Simpsons is often overlooked.

The Simpsons are ugly-looking, and they should be. That's what works. That's one of the things that's funny.

So I'm one of the few celebrities that got to do a repeat performance on 'The Simpsons,' which I'm very flattered by.

'The Simpsons' is about alienation and the ambivalence of living with a family who you love but who drive you completely crazy.

Without doubt, the most mathematically sophisticated television show in the history of primetime broadcasting is 'The Simpsons'.

I wouldn't be surprised if some day, they put the Simpsons in the Smithsonian. It's become part of our culture, those characters.

I'll tell you what 'The Simpsons' is really good at. They'll describe something, you don't see it, and it's funnier when you describe it.

I've been in movies with Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson - but I was on 'The Simpsons,' and finally, in the eyes of my children, I was a star.

We've got a bunch of new writers now who tell me they grew up watching The Simpsons. It's bizarre, and they're writing some very funny stuff.

'The Simpsons' appearances were great fun. But I don't take them too seriously. I think 'The Simpsons' have treated my disability responsibly.

The Simpsons has shaped my psychology to a degree one would usually attribute to a parent, or a particularly devout upbringing. I am a zealot.

'The Simpsons' is like Charlie Parker or Marlon Brando or Richard Pryor: Comedy couldn't go back to the way it was after 'The Simpsons' came out.

You look at shows like The Simpsons or Larry Sanders or Curb Your Enthusiasm or Seinfeld, they're really sophisticated shows that we all love back home.

It's not exactly calm at Christmas. It's a bit like the Simpsons appearing in a pasta advert - lots of bickering, crazy pets, and plenty of tomato sauce!

Yeah, my first love was 'The Simpsons,' but in terms of movies and stuff, I loved 'Back To The Future,' I loved 'Jurassic Park,' I loved 'The Truman Show.'

Maybe it'll be like 'The Simpsons,' and everybody will remain unchanged. Maybe that's what 'Glee's about. Maybe this is kind of a stasis show. I don't know.

When it moved to Friday night it disappeared, when they find another show that can do what The Simpsons does, they will be delighted to do cancel The Simpsons.

Sometimes people get mad at The Simpsons' subversive story telling, but there's another message in there, which is a celebration of making wild, funny stories.

The success of 'The Simpsons' really opened doors. It showed that if you were working in animation you didn't necessarily have to be working in kids' television.

There's not a fortune to be made doing voiceover work unless you're one of the main voices on The Simpsons. See, there's The Simpsons, and then there's everything else.

I think 'The Simpsons' is in the right time slot because it's not a show for kids. It's too vulgar. And 'Ren and Stimpy' is worse. We would never do anything like that.

My nana used to tape 'The Simpsons' when it aired on Sky. We'd get the VHS tapes - my dad would courier them from Nana's house to us - and we'd watch them on Sunday nights.

I think when 'The Simpsons' first came on, there was an uproar. People got used to it. They realized the show's really funny, it's got a heart, so I think it's pretty safe.

Clearly when there is a character based on you on 'South Park' or 'The Simpsons,' that is something that sticks with you for the rest of your career. But I'm fine with that.

People forget at the time that 'The Simpsons' started out, it was controversial - the fact that they said 'hell' and 'damn' in a cartoon was a lot. America was in an uproar.

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