In 'Boyz N the Hood,' every female character was three-dimensional.

No one knows the three-dimensional story of who I am. Or anyone is.

Play the role as a human being... human beings are three-dimensional.

Any online dating profile is about making us more human, more three-dimensional.

I've always been passionate about geometry and the study of three-dimensional forms.

In my theater work, I've had much more three-dimensional, broader-stroke characters.

I like three-dimensional characters - it's just more interesting when you get on set.

I continue to be known as a guy that plays really complex, three-dimensional characters.

It's nice to play a three-dimensional person every once in a while for a change of pace.

It was a gift to get to play a gay role that was written in a three-dimensional, human way.

Losing your faith is an essential part of having a three-dimensional, vivid, vibrant faith.

I'm drawn to villains that are three-dimensional and raw and that I can kind of see in my own life.

Painting does what we cannot do - it brings a three-dimensional world into a two-dimensional plane.

When a sketch comes into this three-dimensional form and everybody contributes, it's really fantastic.

Let's be real: more often than not, Hollywood does not have three-dimensional characters for women to play.

From regular, relative skydiving, I went on to freeflying. Freeflying is more the three-dimensional skydiving.

There are people who get to be three-dimensional humans in the United States, and there are people who do not.

It happens a lot that women have to play the girlfriend role, which isn't as three-dimensional as the male role.

Jack White is an extraordinary person because he's like a three-dimensional chess player. He thinks so far ahead.

I mean, can I really create a full, three-dimensional character? I don't know anymore. I'm certainly going to try.

I like the idea of taking three-dimensional objects and making them two-dimensional so that they look like cartoons.

The blackness of space was a big shock to me. It is a deep, three-dimensional, oily blackness. You can feel the distance.

I want to make music three-dimensional. I want to make a song also a painting, and a painting also a culinary experience.

Going from the written, flat word to the three-dimensional object, that was one of the more enriching things that I've done.

I'm a huge Elizabeth Berg fan. Her novels are always charming, thoughtful, and filled with lively, three-dimensional characters.

You're trying to bring an emotional and psychological reality to a character that's on the page and make them three-dimensional.

People are three-dimensional. They're not good or bad. They're not righteous or unrighteous. They are a million different things.

The way that light hits objects in life, three-dimensional objects before you photograph them, is really the story of photography.

I think viewers realize that people are a lot more three-dimensional than TV has traditionally portrayed them, particularly in news.

My fascination has been the space between cloth and the body, and using a two-dimensional element to clothe a three-dimensional form.

Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan and the slew of fantastic writers and directors have always geared me towards making a three-dimensional human.

The great thing about computer animation is that all of those environments exist as three-dimensional worlds, so these VR worlds already exist.

We all know that television is better for women as they get into their 40s. You could be more three-dimensional, not just the wife or the mother.

I like to play smart, three-dimensional women. I also like to play roles where the women are a little crazy. I just have a feel for crazy people.

I'm very interested in how we read things, especially the link between seeing two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, because of how I read.

The hole connects one side to the other, making it immediately more three-dimensional. A hole can itself have as much shape-meaning as a solid mass.

Asian men are sexy, confident, and passionate - and three-dimensional. We want the opportunity to portray roles that reflect who we are in real life.

My dad's more three-dimensional than Opie Taylor or Richie Cunningham. He even has a temper! He's a real person. But some people are disappointed by that.

Things danced on the screen do not look the way they do on the stage. On the stage, dancing is three-dimensional, but a motion picture is two-dimensional.

I'm glad that cinema is catching up to what television has known for a while: That three-dimensional, complex women get an audience engaged as much as the men.

For me, drum elements are like hieroglyphics - I think of a certain physical figure, and a little three-dimensional glyph will appear in my mind as I'm playing.

What's so dumb is that women are 50 per cent of the population, and they want to spend money to see movies where they're portrayed as three-dimensional characters.

It has been very rare to see a black woman as a protagonist. And also as three-dimensional people - mathematicians, mothers, wives, complicated people, not perfect.

There are so many romantic comedies made, but very few dramas or love stories. And with a love story, you have to take time to develop three-dimensional characters.

Three-dimensional results are important to me. I did once spend some time just writing, and floating around, and I lost my mind a little bit. I wasn't so good at that.

I could walk into anyone's home one time and draw a three-dimensional architectural plan of the inside of their home from memory, but I could not add up a column of numbers.

Whether it's a very dramatic part or a comical role, I feel I need to create the same thing: a full-fledged, three-dimensional character that the audience can identify with.

We're quite into graphics that are simultaneously two- and three-dimensional. But I can't really elaborate any further because it's not something - we haven't really perfected it.

Many objects of our three-dimensional perceptual world are not only chiral but appear in nature in two versions, related at least ideally, as a chiral object and its mirror image.

It's certainly more interesting for me as an actor, but I think it's also more interesting for the audience to see three-dimensional characters, rather than just a bad guy or a good guy.

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