I threw my TV out years ago.

I threw a lot of fastballs in college.

Opportunity knocked. My doorman threw him out.

I hate drugs. I drank a beer once and threw up.

The first time I performed musically, I threw up.

I had to make baseball work. I threw myself into it.

I threw in some baskets that were in four-point range.

People threw food at me and sang songs about how ugly I was.

I threw away all my boys' clothes and started wearing makeup.

Every time I went on stage I was so terrified I almost threw up.

We used to say that he who threw the biggest tantrum won the day.

I had to ask my grandchildren, 'What does it mean? I threw shade?'

In college, I guess you could say I was a running back that threw.

The first time I saw 'Star Wars,' I got so excited that I threw up.

The clock talked loud. I threw it away, it scared me what it talked.

I threw a good fastball and changeup, but a below-average curveball.

I had no idea what I was going to do when they threw me out of school.

The three most important pitches I threw in my life were all fastballs.

We had to adjust and threw a few more rise balls and curves but it worked.

If I had a bad performance in a particular leotard, I threw it in the trash.

I threw my cup away when I saw a child drinking from his hands at the trough.

The last time I threw a punch was in primary school, and that was probably a slap.

In camp when I was eight - a bunch of kids threw me outside naked. I got 'em back!

On my first day teaching my own classroom, I threw up before I entered the building.

I didn't care what, how much adversity life threw at me. I intended to get to the top.

Hitters never showed me up, as hard as I threw. And I was pretty mean out on the mound.

The Church became both more accessible and less imposing. It threw itself open to risk.

When we talk my biggest influence, I have to say Van Gaal. He threw me in the deep end.

I threw my best to every hitter I faced, and I found I had the strength to go all the way.

Where the ball went was up to heaven. Sometimes I threw the ball clean up into the stands.

When my mother threw a party, even as a kid, she'd call me in and say, 'Organize it for me.'

There are a lot of things in Queen albums that you don't expect; that's why we threw them in.

Michael Cohen is one of the world's greatest evidence hoarders. He rarely threw anything away.

I was an only child, and my mom threw me into some modeling classes to get me out of my shell.

I never threw the spitter, well maybe once or twice when I really needed to get a guy out real bad.

Sparky Lyle threw me a slider, and it wound up in the seats. We won, and it was a memorable moment.

I was growing up listening to Queen. Freddie Mercury threw those incredible melodies into his songs.

It's the first film that I made where the director was not present under the camera, and it threw me.

I had this stereotypical view that black people apart from me probably threw stones and lived in huts.

We never threw a record together. Each record was done really seriously, as if our life depended on it.

I sort of knew I was a bit of a drama queen. I always threw tantrums, so I knew I wasn't a normal child.

I remember the first time I dropped a couple of house records, someone threw an Air Force One in my face.

The standing ovation threw me... to be held in such regard in a town so full of talent is quite something.

When I was 5, my mother threw a party, and a friend and I wrote and performed a play called The Dutch Doll.

When I played, I didn't have the strongest arm, and in a game, I never threw it as hard as I could, either.

I was always the kind of hitter that if you threw it 92 miles per hour at me, I'd hit it right back at you.

When I was in fifth grade, a boy put a rose on my desk and I threw it away. The attention makes me nervous.

What if you threw a protest and no one showed up? The lack of angst and anger and emotion is a big positive.

Someone once threw me a small, brown, hairy kiwi fruit, and I threw a wastebasket over it until it was dead.

I threw a lot of balls and walked a lot of batters. Not something I'm proud of, but something I learned from.

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