At the end of the day, you entertain for few hours, but people remember a good human being for a longer time.

I'm such a good sleeper that I can have tea any time of day, and I will have no problem taking a nap. I'm a professional napper.

Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day... If I want to go out and have a good time, I go to New York.

Spending time with the horses was also a good place to escape to if you were having a bad day, so it was good from a mental point of view.

Any time that you can give the consumer more of what they want, it's a good thing. I said from Day 1 that the unbundling of the album is a good thing.

At the end of the day, I know that I make my living by dressing up, fooling around, playing pranks and giving people a good time. I am enjoying the ride.

The thing I always tell my audiences all the time is that I'm just two steps ahead of you on a good day. And I might be two steps behind you on a bad day.

You gotta know when it's your time. You might wake up one day like, 'Damn, I just feel good,' but you've been feeling like that for a whole month. That's your season.

When you stay with Barcelona and are only 15 or 16, the people show you a lot of time, and you are in the newspaper every day. This sometimes is good, but sometimes this is bad.

I really enjoy making sure the kids get a healthy dinner, a good bath and several books... I really like to try and end the day with some quality time with my kids. If not, I feel guilty.

I eat eight times a day. But it's what my intake is. I eat all the time, but it's good stuff. You want to eat that chocolate? You want to eat that dessert? Have that apple or vegetable instead.

There will be bowlers who will be having a good day, so it is important to give them their due. At the same time, you have put pressure on other bowlers who are not having an entirely good outing.

I really loved touring with my band, but it felt like we would spend a lot of time playing in empty rooms - empty clubs. We had some good successes, but it's so physically hard to load up a van and drive all day.

I have multiple ideas per day, all the time. The vast majority of these are completely idiotic. Usually, I just sit on the idea for several months. And if I have not decided that it's idiotic, then it's... might be a good idea.

Everyone talks about the good old days, when guys were tough and quarterbacks got crushed all the time, but back in the day, there weren't defensive ends that were Mario Williams - 6-7, 300 pounds, 10 percent body fat, running a 4.7 40.

Back 12 years ago, when Dr. Mathews was president here, we had a plan that when I got ready to quit, we'd bring a certain guy in and he'd take over that day and I'd leave. But as time wore on, I realized that wouldn't have been good at all.

I can't wait to be that age and hanging out with a bunch of people hanging out all day playing golf and going to the beach, all my own age. We'd be laughing and having a good time and getting loopy on our prescription drugs. Driving golf carts around. I can't wait.

When I think, where did I laugh the most, where did I eat the most, where did I just feel good all the time, I would say making the Bond movie 'Die Another Day.' To be part of such an iconic franchise and to travel to exotic places - that was the most fun I ever had.

It's unrealistic to expect the person you go to for sage advice also to be the person you go out and have a good time with. And it's unlikely that he or she will be the same person who's pushing you and motivating you to do more every day, like a coach or manager does.

When you're coming up with new material, it's not always gonna be good. The only way to learn is for it not to get a laugh, so you can adjust it and come back the next day to see if it's working right. Next time, you might get a different laugh. You're constantly rebuilding.

When you grow up by the sea, you spend a good deal of time looking at the horizon. You wonder what on Earth the waves might bring - and where the sea might deposit you - until one day you know you have lived between two places, the scene of arrival and the point of departure.

How many times have you wanted to make a chocolate cake from scratch or prove you can make a flakey crust as good as your grandmother's....but you just don't have the time! A snow day is the perfect day to enlist the kids with no time pressure, or worse, dinner guests to impress.

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