I was an office secretary for a long time. A good secretary.

I realized that good looks is not enough to be an actress for a long time.

I haven't done a marathon for a long time. So we'll see. I will need good luck.

I tell people all the time, 'As long as my kids are doing good, I'm gonna be alright.'

Over a long time, I've honestly had enough of people saying Arsenal's defence is not good enough.

My lawyer has been a good friend of mine for a long time. He and I continuously have conversations.

The Jungle Bush Beaters didn't last too long as a group, but we had a pretty good time while we did.

I think investments in general related to the exercise industry are going to be good for a long time.

I never said I wanted to be around for a long time. I always said I wanted to be here for a good time.

I think it is good when something can stay interesting for a long time. It's not just a trend for one month.

I'm not very good at sticking at things if I can't be successful at them. I gave up on sport a long time ago.

I've been a fella in the fashion industry for a very long time now, and the industry has been very good to me.

I would say that a good shoe is exactly like a good wine. These shoes are going to stay and last for a long time.

I've always been anxious about 'Primer.' There's good things about it, but all I've seen for a long time is the flaws.

I will play around with an idea for a very long time until it's found it's feet and it's good enough to become a song.

It took me a really long time to finally feel good about saying, 'Yes, I'm an actor. I chose to do this. I'm doing this.'

I watch TV series. I play video games, Mariokart. I have been playing Mariokart for a long time, and I'm very good at it.

For a long time, I thought I would like to be a doctor. Such a good profession. So explicitly good. Never a waste of time.

I worked a long time to get good at what I'm doing, and nobody handed me a recording contract because of who my father is.

Hassan N'Dam is a very good fighter, he's very experienced and been around a long time. He's got good footwork, very good movement.

Every year is filled with good times and fights and struggles and misunderstandings. All of it adds up to being in a band over a long time.

I have always been an admirer of Feli, Feli Lopez. He's just - I mean, every time - he's, like, fit and good and his long hair and the beard.

I'm a big believer in investing for the long term, and the decisions you make shouldn't be made if the economy is good or bad at a specific time.

You build a fan base over time, and they will accept you as long as it's good. Nothing matters as long as something's good. If it's bad, nobody will see it.

The only good thing about going to the fights is you can go into the green room and you can see some of your old friends that you haven't seen in a long time.

I know that it has been a long time since 'Punda,' my first Kannada film, released, but I was determined to wait for a good subject for my next film in Kannada.

There definitely is that element of guys who like to party and have a good time and... putting off for as long as possible the idea that they'll actually have to settle down.

The Synod of Bishops has existed for forty years. In that long span of time it has been for all of us a good school for introducing us to the universal dimension of the Church.

'Star Wars' is mythology. It's like Greek mythology or Shakespeare. It's the story of good versus evil over a very long span of time. The storytelling is universal and timeless.

I have no preconceived ideas; I gave that up a long time ago… The only thing we can do as musicians is make an album we like, and an album that we consider to be incredibly good.

I like Daniel Craig. I worked with him on 'Sharpe,' one of the very early ones, maybe the second one we did - 'Sharpe's Revenge?' A long, long time ago, and he was good in that then.

If I'm in something that I think is kinda good, it stays with me like a fever dream for a long time afterwards. I don't recall the finished product so much as the feeling of making it.

I remember doing 'The Long Fall of One-Eleven Heavy,' and I'd been reporting that story for a long time; I had a lot of good facts, but I had no story. I didn't know what the story was.

The one worry that I always have with TV is that it's such a long commitment. You sign on to be there for a good amount of time, and then you can't go and do films and things like that.

If you can whistle the melody, then the song will stick. But if you need a bunch of machines to make it sound good, you're probably not writing anything that's going to last a long time.

Making a record with 'Depeche Mode' is not a simple process. It's quite complicated and long. We have the luxury of time. I'm not sure that's such a good thing when you're being creative.

I just like hanging out with my friends, honestly. I mean, as long as I'm in good company and with cool people, and we're just hanging out and having a good time, that's usually what I like to do.

I get asked sometimes 'What's the highlight of my career?' because I've been doing it for so long, and I always have a hard time coming up with something, because so many good things have happened.

I basically had the idea when I was 18 that I wanted to write my own songs. I knew it was going to be a long, tough road, and I was like, if I just begin now, by the time I'm 40, I'll be good at it.

I didn't smoke. I didn't smoke then, and I don't smoke now. We worked every day - that keeps you in pretty good shape. We could go for a long time in one take. You had to be in good shape with Gene Kelly.

I mean, I've definitely found my thing, what I'm good at. Certain things that guys do keep them in the NBA a long time, but I've found what I'm good at, and I'm only going to continue to get better at that.

I think it is serious to have good sales. As I learned belatedly, the more you sell, the more publishers pay attention to you, and it took me a very long time to figure that out because I never thought that way.

I'm not formal and I'm impatient. So I think my team would say that when she starts tapping her pen and the leg starts moving quickly, that it's time to move on. I'm not good at long, drawn-out kinds of sessions.

I had opportunities to stay on shows for long periods of time, and maybe financially that would have been good, but I feel good about trying to keep doing things that are a little bit different than what I've done.

I'm an awful driver. I'm not going to lie about it. I'm not a good driver. I tried for a long time to pretend that I was. There's a lot of road rage and a lot of times it's directed at something I've done on the road.

I'm into having a good time and showing people you can have fun. Because for a long time, the West Coast, it wasn't about having fun. It was about gang banging; it just wasn't fun no more. So now I'm bringing fun back.

I am sorry to say that sometimes matters of very small importance waste a good deal of precious time, by the long and repeated speeches and chicanery of gentlemen who will not wholly throw off the lawyer even in Congress.

Well I think if you really go out with someone for quite a long time you do get to know each other very, very well, you go through the good times, you go through the bad times. You know both personally, but also within a relationship as well.

I never do a whole new set of new material. I do one new joke at a time, and I wedge it in between two good jokes. Or if it's a long story, I don't do it in L.A. or New York; I do it in Kansas and Omaha, all these places I'm going this weekend.

When you're in your young 20s, you know you can play good golf into your mid-40s. That's a lot of time to get better each and every year and achieve your goals. As long as you know you're making strides along the way, you'll get there eventually.

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