Girls' Generation was an important and precious time for me.

I cook healthy meals all the time. That's really important to me.

Being a mother was too important to me to risk running out of time.

I don't want to waste my readers' time ever. My readers are very important to me.

My time is really important to me, and where I put it has to be of tremendous value.

I demanded two weeks of rehearsal because to me as an actor, that's the most important time.

It is important for me to carve out time in my schedule to spend quality time with my family.

Appearing at TNA for the first time was extremely important to me due to the high visibility.

When I came to Chelsea and worked with Mourinho, it was my first time abroad, so that was an important stage for me.

There are some important differences between me and Tony Stark, like I have five kids, so I spend more time going to Disneyland than parties.

Greenpoint was where I had my first apartment on my own without roommates or sleeping on someone's couch. It was a really important time for me.

'Monty Python And The Holy Grail' is a hugely important movie to me. I remember watching it for the first time on cable when I was about 13 years old.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I took time to reflect on what is most important to me and realized I need to find a way to put the fun back into racing.

Running a marathon was important to me, so I found time to train for it. Writing books is also important to me, so you know what? I carve out the time.

I'm in hotel rooms most of the time, and it can be hard to find a hotel with a nice gym. It was important for me to have a workout I could do in my room.

I see that idea that we need a new form as something critical. I mean, we do need to invent and not be benchmarking all the time. That's important to me.

I have a hard time with morals. All I know is what feels right, what's more important to me is being honest about who you are. Morals I get a little hung up on.

I have said a lot that it's very important to me to make time for my child and make her the priority. I made sacrifices so that I'm around and not traveling for that.

At one time they've been the most important thing to me. So I can't hear our records on the radio, I can't stand it, because they sound so out of what everyone else is doing.

I spend a lot of time with my children. I like to go to the country with them, where we can spend hours walking in the woods and talking. That's more important to me than anything else.

I like things on my desk that are pretty and make a statement. It's important that whatever is on my desk inspires me because that's where I spend a lot of my time working and creating things.

The idea of being in control for the sake of control is not really important to me. If everyone is sharp and doing what they're doing well, you don't really need to be in control all the time.

It's important for me to go back into the ghetto, where I'm from. I still get my oxygen from there. I don't live in the ghetto anymore, but every time I go back, I'm still seeing the same things that I lived.

What made Strapping Young Lad important, at least to me, was I was being honest about whatever was important to me at that time. In many ways, that musical process is there to resolve those issues, if you will.

Being Jewish has always been important to me. I now have 6M tattooed on the inside of my left arm. It's only a half-inch, but every time anyone sees it, they're reminded of the six million who perished, and so am I.

Over the time that I followed Warren Buffett, one CFO told me, it's very important to pay attention not only to what Warren Buffett says and what he actually does - often there are subtle differences between the two.

The lighting is so important. One thing that makes me nuts about the lighting now is that they spend an enormous amount of time lighting the set, the background. But the most important thing in the scene is the actor.

I spend a lot of time in our kitchen. I find it the cosiest, friendliest place in the house. It's not something my American upbringing prepared me for, but now that I live in England, it's become very important to me.

It's got to be repetition of me over and over again, constantly delivering the goods every time I'm out there. And that's how I'm going to get to where I need to be, which is in an important match at WrestleMania every year.

In abstract painting, I worried about the limited range of possibilities that, as time went on, became increasingly important to me. I wanted to express or deal with differences that an all-over paint and canvas 'presence' neutralized.

When George Bush asked me to sign on, it obviously wasn't because he was worried about carrying Wyoming. We got 70 percent of the vote in Wyoming, although those three electoral votes turned out to be pretty important last time around.

I have many reasons why I think reading is really important. It provided for me a refuge, especially during difficult times. It provided me with the notion that I could find an ending that was different from what was happening to me at the time.

I cannot remember a time when the question of why people behave as they do was not intensely interesting to me. The desire to understand was very important. When I was young, I was aware of the fact that much of the time, the reasons a person gave for his actions were not the actual reasons.

I knew marriage was not the answer to changing the conditions for poor, black, queer folks. So I never felt compelled to get married - it just didn't seem important. But even if marriage wasn't right for me at the time, or a quick fix toward black empowerment, I found it repulsive that loving same-sex couples were refused the right.

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