I'm a theater major.

I've never had a ton of money.

I'm going for the Knockouts Championship.

I can never see myself working a nine-to-five.

Every woman - we like being called pretty. We like being called sexy.

It makes me feel powerful - being sexy. That's for me, its not for everybody.

Appearing at TNA for the first time was extremely important to me due to the high visibility.

I always hope my stuff does well and I see myself as someone who works very hard and I can see my own value.

I'm a broadway girl, so anytime someone would sing my entrance music, that was probably my absolute favorite thing.

I trained at a conservatory as a mezzo-soprano and was a musical theater major in college so I had a theater background.

Ring of Honor has become a place I call a second home. The locker room is really my second family, they support me and I couldn't do it without them.

I was never a sit-in-the-audience-type person. Even as a little kid, when I saw a band performing at a restaurant, I would ask them if I could sing a song.

My very first show that I went to was 2009, so that was the end of my senior year of high school, that was my first introduction to professional wrestling at all.

I think it's amazing that I finally have this platform with Impact Wrestling to showcase what I feel like I've been doing, what I've been capable of for so many years.

If I want to wrestle, I should be able to wrestle. If I want to be sexy, I should be allowed to be sexy. If I want to come out wearing a potato sack, I should be allowed to do that too.

I wasn't allowed to watch it as a little kid but I went with some friends who were some big independent wrestling fans and I saw it, I fell in love with it. Very quickly, I asked if I could help set up the ring, set up chairs, just be around it.

I accidentally met Don Callis in Japan. I was at New Japan and I was with mutual friends, and I met Don on accident and started telling him some of my ideas. We started talking and he basically at dinner was saying, 'Hey, we should give you a job.'

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