Seeing myself as female every time I look in the mirror is painful in a way I will never be able to describe.

I don't spend a lot of time worrying about how I look and I don't fall into the trap of judging myself by my appearance.

I have crazy, curly, big hair, so,if I have time to try to make myself look presentable, I usually spend it doing my hair.

I wear menswear all the time. I don't do anything to make myself look more feminine. I naturally look and am more feminine.

In a way, I pattern myself after all the bands I used to like as a kid. Every time they put out LPs, they had a whole new look and a new sound.

If I'm being honest that's something that I think to myself every time I go on Instagram - 'Look how skinny she is, I wanna be that skinny', and it's horrible.

I have so much hair, so straightening takes a long time. I mean, if I look at photos of myself with straight hair, it's hilarious. I look like a different person.

When it's time to let go, I don't look back, and I start another project as soon as possible. One thing I remind myself is that I don't want to Photoshop my past.

It's kind of weird, because I look at myself as just a normal person. My friends get rejected all the time, so why shouldn't I? I don't think I'm anything special.

I like myself a lot more than I used to. I had a very difficult time in my twenties especially. It was hard for me to look in the mirror and find something that I liked about myself.

I'm relatively physically adept and I like throwing myself around. Once, twice, but then you get to nine, ten, eleven and to try and make it look realistic all the time, that's not very pleasant.

I've been working pretty much 12-16 hours a day, six or seven days a week since May of 2003, and every time I see a photo of myself, I realize that there is never a time when I don't look exhausted.

I've lived with myself for a very long time, so I'm aware of what I look like. I'm under no false pretense that I'm a stunner, so if somebody comes up and says something about my physical appearance, it's okay.

Having the right people around you all the time is important. I do take the acting seriously. But this is all fun. I look at it like smoke and mirrors. I still think it's a dream, but I ain't pinching myself yet.

When I look up at the screen and see myself I always have to laugh. Not because I think I'm doing a horrible job, quite the contrary, I just feel it's so surreal to feel like one person can entertain so many at one time.

Every time I feel like I'm gaining a bit of weight, I'll eat healthily for, like, 3 days. Then I'll be like, 'Oh, I look skinny again.' Then I'll go back to eating bad, but I tell myself it's OK, I'm only 19, so I can do it while I can.

I'm not going to be around for a long time, so I like to be able to look at myself in the mirror and say I talked about stuff when I'm not supposed to and didn't have to. I could be in the closet, but I feel insulted at the idea that I should be.

During my training, we had monthly assessments. It was my first time doing makeup by myself, and I did not even know how to draw on the eyebrows. Since then, I started to look for makeup related videos on YouTube and naturally became more interested.

When I'm working, I look forward to weekends. Film sets give your time a structure; otherwise, one day can run into another. I often find myself in unusual locations, so Friday nights I might head out with some of the cast and crew to explore the town.

When I step onto the mound for the first time in a game, I remove my cap and look under the brim to read a message I write to myself with a Sharpie each season. It's a private reminder to stop and reflect on how lucky I am to play professional baseball.

I just think more precaution should be taken when I'm inside the pocket. Look at all the replays - I'm on the ground every time. It's unfortunate for myself, it's unfortunate for my team and I'd be lying if I sat here and said I wasn't frustrated right now.

I didn't look at the previous 'A Wrinkle in Time' movie. I wrote ideas down from the book, but I didn't really want to copy that Meg. We're the same, but we're different at the same time. I wanted to make myself Meg. I didn't want to use somebody else or use a reference.

I don't feel like a very nostalgic person. I think about the past much more clinically. When I look back and wonder, 'Why was I doing that? Was it a waste of time?' I don't beat myself up. Instead, I say, 'I'm so glad I did that, because now I really know what matters to me.'

I developed slight body dysmorphia - when I would break out, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror for a couple of months at a time. I remember doing my makeup before school in the dark, which is an awful idea, but it's because I didn't want to see myself in that bright light.

My idea of an actor is to be different persons with different roles. Every time a script interests me, I look for interesting characters because I intend to completely transport myself into it. This happens only because I am a very greedy actor. I am not part of the rat race because I am living a dream.

I sit at this really weird crossroads. My job requires me to take in calories. I take care of myself. I eat healthy. I exercise a lot. But then I have to go to events in cocktail dresses and look fancy, and people want to interview me about what I'm wearing, and then I'm compared to people who are wearing size 2 all the time.

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