I love Toronto.

I like Toronto, it's nice.

Personally, I love Toronto.

Toronto's a delightful city.

Toronto is obviously Drake city.

I personally want to be in Toronto.

I love Toronto, It's the best city.

Toronto is like a city of grandmas.

Toronto is home; nothing beats home.

Where I'm from, Toronto, is a big city.

People in Toronto love to watch fights.

Toronto is like a smaller, safe New York.

In a sense Toronto feels like home to me.

Toronto is my favourite city in the world.

I am in Toronto, shooting a movie for NBC.

Toronto is hard to capture in a few strokes.

I like Toronto; the people are really chill.

Toronto is an amazing place to be as a family.

I don't have a problem with anybody in Toronto.

I'm just this kid from Toronto who got his start.

I call New York just a bigger version of Toronto.

Kensington Market is a must visit place in Toronto.

I love it here. I really do. Toronto is home for me.

Toronto is a kind of New York operated by the Swiss.

I can hold my head high for what we built in Toronto.

First time I met Drake was 2012 at a studio in Toronto.

Let Toronto become Milan. Montreal will always be Rome.

I'm from Toronto, so I listen to a lot of Toronto artists.

The nice thing about Toronto is there's not a competition.

I had to learn how to drive because I didn't drive in Toronto.

My wife was big in a lot of work in Toronto with charity work.

I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine.

I always tell people that if I move anywhere it would be Toronto.

The single greatest moment of my life happened in Toronto, Canada!

I cannot comment on a video that I have never seen or does not exist.

Robert Rotenberg does for Toronto what Ian Rankin does for Edinburgh.

I'm honored with the success of 'Omerta' at the Toronto Film Festival.

I grew up in London, Ontario, and moved to Toronto when I was 22 or 23.

I grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, where everything was in a strip mall.

Of course Toronto might as well be Buffalo, because we get each other's TV.

Until Charlie broke his ankle in Toronto, we were as good a unit as anybody.

In Toronto, the film festival is like a carnival… entire families come to it.

Toronto is a very multicultural city, a place of immigrants, like my parents.

I have a movie coming out called Spun, which will be at the Toronto Film Fest.

I'll be vilified if I shoot a film in Toronto for New York. And rightfully so!

I'm trying to put on for my city. I'm trying to do what Drake did for Toronto.

I'm not trying to bring New York to Toronto. I want to understand Toronto better.

I am Toronto. Outside of where I'm from, I represent this city harder than anybody.

We have something very special happening in Toronto and Drake is a big part of that.

I'm proud of Toronto. I'm proud of Canada. I'm proud of the NBA. I'm very proud of it.

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