Great towers take time to construct.

Even ivory towers need central heating.

The king's name is a tower of strength.

Martello towers are great places to work in.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour.

You got me stranded on the bungee tower of love.

A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.

The higher the tower, the greater the fall thereof.

Age shakes Athena's tower, but spares gray Marathon.

I've been to Mar-a-Lago. I'm not going to Trump Tower.

Tower'd cities please us then, And the busy hum of men.

The Black Tower stands with the Lion of Andor." -Logain

A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.

Ivory towers are as rare as bowling alleys in tribal cultures.

I like the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas more than the actual one.

From a proud tower in the town, Death looks gigantically down.

For some, bottles of liquor gleam like the towers of Eldorado.

Our problems may tower over us, but God towers over our problems.

Beijing has shown how to tackle air pollution by using smog towers.

I will build you a castle with a tower so high it reaches the moon.

You live in a tower that soars to heaven and goes unpunished by God.

You have to understand, I grew up in the shadow of the Safeco tower.

Fragrant o'er all the western groves The tall magnolia towers unshaded.

Stand firm as the tower that never shakes its top whatever wind may blow.

From the shaken tower A flock of bells take flight, And go with the hour.

That tower of strength Which stood four-square to all the winds that blew.

A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Living in a tower, however secure it may feel, is hardly a social attribute.

Oh, bird of my soul, fly away now, For I possess a hundred fortified towers.

We saw when those World Trade towers came down what these terrorists will do.

My first walk illegally at 20 years old was between the towers of Notre Dame.

May you find your Tower, Roland, and breach it, and may you climb to the top!

I hold to no God," Roland said. "I hold to the Tower, and won't pray to that.

A man's mind is wont to tell him more than seven watchmen sitting in a tower.

War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all.

I love Monty Python, Black Adder, Fawlty Towers. I'm a huge fan of British comedy.

Theories, books and ideas created within ivory towers had real-world consequences.

And sometimes you didn't want to know the end… because how could the end be happy?

If I see three oranges, I have to juggle. And if I see two towers, I have to walk.

I don't want to live in an ivory tower, being the songwriter who just turns inward.

Jack Aubrey is a tremendous tower of strength and you always want to read about him.

Only imagination that towers can reproduce evanescence and render rigidity flexible.

A bottomless pit of violence, a Tower of Babel where all are speakers and no hearers.

I love working out how things are made, which is why I have so many models of towers.

I've always thought Blues Point Tower is one of my best buildings and I stand by that.

Ye towers of Julius, London's lasting shame, With many a foul and midnight murder fed.

The waterfront without the Ferry Tower would be like a birthday cake without a candle.

Pale death, with impartial step, knocks at the hut of the poor and the towers of kings.

My focus on 9/11 was on the victims - in the towers, in the planes - and all that loss.

Was this the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ileum?

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