My track record speaks for itself.

I have a relatively good track record.

No actor has 100 percent track record.

I don't have the best dating track record.

I don't have the best track record with quotes.

People have faith in me because of my track record.

Casillas has an impressive track record at Real Madrid.

I'm my own judge, and I hope my track record speaks to that.

I wasn't aware that Track Records were interested in the Bonzos.

I have a 10-year track record of writing for the Jewish community.

Pop music has a pretty good track record of embracing queer culture.

If you look at my track record, I have only done saaf-suthri family movies.

Debenhams has a strong track record for developing exclusive designer brands.

I've a track record of successful comedy films spread over more than a decade.

Sell your intellectual property based on a track record of success and innovation.

Look at my track record: All of the big hits we created in Holland worked globally.

I've had such a great track record in making a huge profit when the movies are smaller.

Cute animals have a pretty good track record in animation for inspiring passionate fandom.

I think Newt Gingrich has a proven track record of changing Washington and getting results.

I have a track record of getting things done as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

I think I've got a track record and an experience brief that I'll put up against anybody's.

I offer a proven track record in the big leagues that can hit left-handers or right-handers.

You should take your reputation very seriously and try to build a track record you can be proud of.

President Bush has a track record of making the right decisions when it comes to national security.

There's not a long track record of people leaving professional sports to become a software developer.

The U.K. has always had good track record in providing leadership and a constructive agenda for change.

I think we have a great track record on being relevant, on identifying consumer trends, needs and wants.

You have to create a track record of breaking your own mold, or at least other people's idea of that mold.

AMC has a track record for finding actors who have been working actors but not names yet and casting them.

Silicon Valley's long-running track record of creating globally disruptive startups is the envy of the world.

We think the most important criteria for selecting an investment firm are the manager, team, and track record.

I think we've got a pretty good track record of definitively opposing Obamacare in the state of North Carolina.

Luxembourg has a track record of being successful when it takes risks. You need to take on risks to be successful.

I've been in this business now for almost ten years. I've done a lot of stories. I have a pretty good track record.

People have seen the Modi government's track record, and now they believe that if we say something, it will happen.

I have a track record of accepting my party's decisions. I do whatever work is given to me with determination. That's all.

U.S. is a merit-based society... There is no glass ceiling if you have good performance track record and leadership skills.

I have a track record of under-promising and over-delivering, whether it's on the economy, border protection, welfare reforms.

If you look at my track record, there was nothing on radio that sounded like 'Oh Carolina,' 'Mr Bombastic' when they came out.

McDonald's is almost 50 years old. For 47 years we had a pretty consistent track record of being able to deliver admirable sales.

The track record of economists in predicting events is monstrously bad. It is beyond simplification; it is like medieval medicine.

I don't think that growing up in the entertainment industry is the healthiest place for kids. The track record kind of shows that.

I have a track record of going out and talking to my constituents and then standing up and representing them. That's what people want.

Utah is America's best place for business because Utahns make it their business to succeed - and we have the track record to prove it.

Many great founders have one or more big failures on their track record. What makes them great is that they eventually succeed despite that.

I think that most of my romance comes out in my music. And if you look at my track record of three ex-wives, maybe there's something to that.

It is often constructive to meet with a candidate for a particular office, but I believe what is most important is the candidate's track record.

When I get inspired, I give out free music. If you look at my track record from the beginning, that's always what I've done. I've never changed.

I've often said there's no such thing as a track record in TV. I seen people who created things much more successful than mine treated like dirt.

My track record is that I have always sought to work with warmth and in a constructive way with the leaders of other components of the Jewish faith.

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