Tracy is more a help to me than I am to her.

Tracy Morgan is subdued. I'm cool. I'm chilled out.

I loved Spencer Tracy. I would have done anything for him.

I'm very homework-oriented - I'm a little Tracy Flick-ish.

I've worked with an awful lot of people. Katy Hepburn, Spencer Tracy.

I think people would want to see Tracy Morgan host 'Saturday Night Live.'

Stanley Kramer? Spencer Tracy? No one turns down being in a movie with them.

I don't know what Tracy Morgan does on stage, but I can assure you it's no act.

I don't know what Tracy Morgan does onstage, but I can assure you, it's no act.

Tracy Smothers was the epitome of the perfect Smoky Mountain hero. He was legitimate.

I think ageing suits me because I was born old, like Spencer Tracy or Dolly the Sheep.

The actors I admired were Bogart, Cagney, Cooper, Tracy. Great personalities. Real stars.

I went to Europe with Spencer Tracy. What a thrill, working with John Ford when I was a kid.

I'll never forget Spencer Tracy. He only worked from nine to one - then from three to five again.

My favorite actors when I was a kid were in their '60s. Spencer Tracy, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne.

The Tracy Morgan you see is the Tracy Morgan in real life. He's a great guy but... man, is he a nut.

I am a proud participant of the Spencer Tracy School of Acting: Know your lines, don't bump into the furniture.

My name, my real name, is Tracy. I always thought I was like a boy named Sue. So I made my friends call me 'Tray.'

I always wanted to work with Spencer Tracy, which never happened, although I knew him well. And I never worked with Cary Grant.

I've been hugely inspired by the songwriting of Lauryn Hill and Tracy Chapman - on their albums, they really tell it like it is.

I love Lauryn Hill, Tracy Chapman, Fiona Apple. People like that. People you can really connect to on the most basic human level.

I've gotten to wrestle some of the best women and men in the world - Brian Cage, AR Fox, Scorpio Sky, Tracy Williams, David Starr.

I honestly never considered myself an actor. An actor would be someone like Paul Muni or Spencer Tracy. I was more of a personality.

I was spawned by some pretty good people in this business - Mr. Astaire, Mr. Tracy. They stopped and took their time to talk to people.

I exercise three to four times a week, doing the Tracy Anderson Method, which involves toning and strengthening our small muscle groups.

I like Jaco Pastorius' 'Portrait of Tracy.' He was this bass player who played jazz fusion. He was the dopest bass player who ever lived.

I was just learning to play guitar when Tracy Chapman came out. She wrote these songs, she played them by herself and I so admired her for that.

If I am to be remembered for anything I have done in this profession, I would like it to be for the four films in which I directed Spencer Tracy.

Clarence Darrow was a unique and courageous man. Several of my favourite actors have played Darrow... Henry Fonda, Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy.

People like Spencer Tracy held up because they had the background originally, but to this day they never have changed Mr. Gable's role, or most of them.

I really like the Doors. I like Kevin Spacey, Bruce Springsteen, Will Farrell, Reggie Watts, Tina Turner, who is also very hot, Tracy Chapman. Beethoven.

I watched a lot of Scottie Pippen, Magic Johnson, Kevin Durant, and a lot of Paul Pierce. I used to watch Tracy McGrady as well along with Kevin Garnett.

I work hard, I will tell you that. I do a very low carb, high protein diet. I do Tracy Anderson, I do Body by Simone, I do Pilates, and I do Bikram Yoga.

Spencer Tracy was a man who did very much what I do on a set, and that is, he comes down and he does his job, and then he goes back to his dressing room.

My voice is very distinct. People hear Tracy Morgan's voice, and they know Tracy Morgan right off the bat because I've been in their homes for so many years.

I remember being about six years old, for the first day of school, and sitting in the back of a Chrysler, pretending to cry while listening to Tracy Chapman.

I was on the set when I was five years old with Spencer Tracy. A lot of what I learned growing up in terms of artistry is very clean, very tidy, very organized.

When I did that interview with Hepburn, the only ground rule was, you did not discuss Spencer Tracy. Spencer Tracy's widow is still alive, and she respected that.

The original Spencer Tracy version of 'The Old Man and the Sea' was always terribly flawed because of the over-reliance on voice over, but it's still a beautiful movie.

Life smacks Tracy Morgan in the face, and I don't mean to talk in third party, but no, it doesn't stop raining when I come outside, no, absolutely not. I'm very in touch.

I cannot tell you much about the picture- it depends on so many things, the first of which that comes to my mind is: splendid as he is, is there too much of Spencer Tracy.

In our film profession you may have Gable's looks, Tracy's art, Marlene's legs or Liz's violet eyes, but they don't mean a thing without that swinging thing called courage.

When I saw Spencer Tracy in 'The Old Man and the Sea,' I realised the distinction between being an actor and a film star. He was both, and I, too, resolved to try and be both.

So what I say about Tracy is this: Tracy's big challenge is not having a Parkinson's patient for a husband. It's having me for a husband. I happen to be a Parkinson's patient.

The easiest bit is when you're talking. It's listening that is so difficult. If you get out any Spencer Tracy film, you think, 'Wow, he's doing nothing, yet he's doing everything.'

Growing up, I really looked up to the classic Hollywood actors like Spencer Tracy, Robert Mitchum, and Peter Falk. I love character actors - I've never wanted to be the leading guy.

We need to see men and women as equal partners, but it's hard to think of movies that do that. When I talk to people, they think of movies of forty-five years ago! Hepburn and Tracy!

The three actors I admire the most are all dead. Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy and the French actor, Jean Gabin. They're all very natural, sort of masculine without being overly macho.

There are many actors who have inspired me: Spencer Tracy for his incredible elegance and, of course, Cary Grant. But, there's also an Italian actor I admire a great deal: Alberto Sordi.

Ava DuVernay, Sheryl Crow, Diane von Furstenberg, Ashley Graham, Tracy Reese, Pat Benatar, Issa Rae, Betty White - they've all shattered glass ceilings, whether in music, fashion, or film.

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