Financial transaction tax raises problems of competition.

The first time you went to eBay, you probably didn't do a transaction.

I made some money, some real money on my first real estate transaction.

Approaching people looking for something in return isn't a relationship, it's a transaction.

God is not glorified in any transaction upon earth so much as in the conversion of a sinner.

No transaction happens unless it is voluntary. It only happens if both of you think you win.

I was raised as a Christian but the transaction has to be made by yourself - you and God - at some point.

When computer systems cause errors, you can end up with The Dreaded NIGO - the 'not in good order' transaction.

Washington, D.C., is the new Wall Street. No significant financial transaction of any consequence occurs without it.

The Trump view of immigration defies our history. Immigration is a transaction that has historically benefited the country.

Part of the transaction between writer and reader is the pleasure of building a community and encouraging people to play along.

I tend to regard the Coase theorem as a stepping stone on the way to an analysis of an economy with positive transaction costs.

English businesses would face massive transaction costs if Scotland, their second biggest export market, used a different currency.

In many situations today, you can make far more than the spread by holding onto the acquirer's stock after the transaction is completed.

I like analyzing and managing large-scale transaction processing platforms, record-keeping administration, and brokerage trading services.

Bitcoin was created with security in mind. The Blockchain is Bitcoin's public ledger that records every transaction in the Bitcoin economy.

You want to know the way to raise money? Put a transaction fee on Wall Street, so maybe we can curb some of the speculation and raise some money.

If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions, it is not love, but a transaction that never fails to lay stress on a plus and a minus.

A lot of people make music to sell music. I don't just sell music. I am essentially, I guess the word I want to use is, it's like an energetic transaction.

If people knew every transaction of a gun was going to be recorded somewhere, I think they'd be more responsible with who they transferred their weapon to.

A mortgage transaction is very complex, very complicated, and very localized - the rules are not just by state but by county, sometimes even by municipality.

On the way to work good-hearted young girls sometimes offer me their seats, which I accept and bless them in return, a transaction satisfying to all concerned.

Digital assets, including bitcoin, could save small businesses substantial transaction fees and provide an added layer of security to their payment processing.

Just as the Internet drops transaction and collaboration costs in business and government, it also drops the cost of dissent, of rebellion, and even insurrection.

Business thrives with trust. Every single business transaction is based on trust. Trust is what you deal in. From trust emerges a safe and predictable environment.

True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that - it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

The digitally-native vertical brand drives a lot more customer intimacy than its competition. The data is better because every transaction and interaction is captured.

With private chains, you can have a completely known universe of transaction processors. That appeals to financial institutions that are wary of the bitcoin blockchain.

The International Health Partnership Plus is addressing the need to harmonize development assistance and reduce the current waste, duplication, and high transaction costs.

The scripting language in Bitcoin is important because it is what makes Bitcoin 'programmable money'. Within each Bitcoin transaction is the ability to write a little program.

I made it clear to myself at least 50 times that I am neither associated with any party nor do I have any transaction with any party. I have only one party, which is music party.

Ronald Coase, in his classic 1937 paper on 'The Nature of the Firm,' was the first to bring the concept of transaction costs to bear on the study of firm and market organization.

In my years as the FBI's lead international kidnapping negotiator, I learned an important fundamental lesson: Hostage negotiation is often nothing more than a business transaction.

Content is power in today's world, and if you can own that content, create it and make interaction more of an experience than a transaction, you create a different kind of loyalty.

A single element in transactional mode can never be analysed to calculate either loss or presumptive loss. The losses or gains of all elements in the transaction need to be analysed.

People like, George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Paul Krugman, Joe Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sax, Dean Baker, Robert Poland, Larry Summers have said they all support a transaction tax.

Your customers are judging every aspect of every transaction and rating everything, from friendliness of people to ease of doing business to quality of product to service after the sale.

I'm looking forward to partnering with TPG Capital and Leonard Green & Partners. This transaction is a clear endorsement of J. Crew and the hard work and dedication of all of our associates.

The majority of companies using BitPay to accept bitcoin are small businesses that are benefitting from lower transaction fees, faster service, and increased security for fraudulent transactions.

The transaction cost approach maintains that some projects are easy to finance by debt and ought to be financed by debt. These are projects for which physical-asset specificity is low to moderate.

What's taking place during stress is actually much simpler than a transaction between stressful life events and you. There aren't two parties involved in stress. There is only one - your own mind.

What is so terrible about transaction costs? On what basis are they considered the ultimate evil, so that their minimization must override all other considerations of choice, freedom, and justice?

As money, Bitcoin achieves two objectives; it's both a unit of transaction as well as being a store of value. The U.S. dollar, for example, is a unit of transaction, but it is not a store of value.

Most of us don't look at investment in a win-win situation. You have to give in a little bit; you have to take a little bit. Most feel everything has to be rinsed out for closing of the transaction.

Like the marriage contract you entered into, your divorce is a legal transaction. Treat it that way. Try not to let emotion, hurt, fear or anger dictate the circumstances of your discussions or negotiations.

If a developer wants to sell something via an iPad app - it's called an 'in-app purchase' - the transaction must go through Apple, which keeps 30 percent of the money and passes 70 percent on to the developer.

Despite popular belief, Bitcoin is a bad medium of exchange for people that value financial privacy because of the transparent ledger that reveals an address, timestamp, and amount for every transaction on the network.

Most people who are selling their mineral rights, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transaction. The people who are buying, the landmen who are coming in, do it every day. So there's a little inequity there about knowledge.

I think that any business that thinks that the transaction is 'you give me money and I give you food, next, you give me money and I give you food, next,' without understanding that people deeply want to feel restored is in danger.

Bill Clinton's incredibly bold idea was to change the grant to a transaction: we'll give you something, but we demand something back; the way he would phrase it is, 'We'll give you opportunity, but you have to take responsibility.'

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