Two words that will change your life.... Yes Lord!

I wrote and directed a movie called Two-Bit Waltz.

Human destiny is an episode between two oblivions.

Two terrible behaviors don't make a good behavior.

Love is the harmony of two souls singing together.

The one who pursues revenge should dig two graves.

The difference between two men is usually a woman.

One sailor will do us more good than two soldiers.

Two scoops of crazy with a side of coo coo ca choo

I took the two most expensive aspirins in history.

For the poor any choice was a gift with two faces.

Love is love, whether it goes on two legs or four.

A friar who asks alms for God's sake begs for two.

The truth between two people always cuts two ways.

Out of two evils, the less is always to be chosen.

Canada has two emblems - the beaver and the maple.

Remember these two things: play hard and have fun.

Two lives that once part are as ships that divide.

To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods.

If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both.

Knowing it and seeing it are two different things.

I've got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.

No two things the same, the equals sign a scandal.

Ignorance at twenty-two isn't a structural defect.

I have two acting styles: with and without a horse.

It's Sir Ben. I've not been a Mister for two years.

Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal.

No two persons have the same mind or the same body.

I opened two gifts this morning. They were my eyes.

I have no two separate moral standards for the sex.

My old coach used to say two points was two points.

The secret of golf is to turn three shots into two.

I have no face, only two profiles clapped together.

When two enemies are talking, they're not fighting.

Honestlythese two were not on the recommended list.

We have two kinds of air: regular and chunky style.

Being a blues singer is like being black two times.

I get nervous when a picture goes beyond two hours.

I drink and smoke and I am two hundred percent fit.

Our toaster has two settings: too soon or too late.

I'm a Libra, I always have two sides of everything.

Your hand is a warm stone I hold between two words.

Academics and wrestling, you cant separate the two.

A bird in The Strand is worth two in Shepherds Bush

Character and fate are two words for the same thing

I could sooner reconcile all Europe than two women.

One policeman may be a friend, but two are the Law.

We commit two wrongs when we fail to right a wrong.

I have two hands: one for me, one for other people.

A man who can speak two languages is worth two men.

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