I'm a big fan of the underdogs.

I love stories about underdogs.

I am in love with stories of underdogs.

I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

Jews are underdogs - not in my world, obviously, they're not.

When we do R&B midtempos or ballads, there's an Underdogs sound.

'I Told You' is for all the people who've been doubted, the underdogs.

Against Juventus we were massive underdogs, so to beat them was fantastic.

I'm always drawn to the underdogs, to the people whose stories don't get told.

Sweden usually don't play good against the poor teams. We like being the underdogs.

I've always liked underdogs who started out not so iconic but then really took off.

We may have limped onto Broadway as the underdogs, but underdogs bite back occasionally.

This is the road to WrestleMania, where dreams become reality and underdogs make history.

I like underdogs, I like anti-heroes - people that have a hard time overcoming things in life.

A lot of my characters are underdogs or sad or lonely, but I had a comfortable, golden sort of childhood.

To be honest, if we're underdogs, we like it; if we're favorites, I like it. It's something that you cannot let affect you.

The other day, someone told me that all my life I will be telling the stories of underdogs. Their stories always appeal to me.

I like to play people who are underdogs and misfits. People who are not on a straight and narrow path. That's exciting for me.

In the end, glorification of splendid underdogs is nothing other than glorification of the splendid system that makes them so.

I think Good Charlotte has definitely always been for the underdogs and the misfits. We haven't ever really been the critics' darlings.

My mother enjoyed few things more than investing in the underdogs and showing them that they were special and could achieve their dreams.

There is always the fear of failure, and if you struggle, you become nervous, and that's when the underdogs have an opportunity to create a surprise.

I chose to deal with the underdogs on '1 Train.' I could've got the biggest superstars in the rap game, but why do that when you can let the young boys shine?

Bass players are always the underdogs of the band, but I made sure that I was never viewed as one. I went out of my way to steal as much limelight as I could.

I was raised to be kind. My parents were underdogs. Immigrant Jews. I spoke with an accent. I didn't speak English even - I spoke French and Yiddish mostly. I was picked on.

Look, when we go as favourites, then it's a problem, but if we go as underdogs then other teams feel the danger, so I think being underdogs is good for us and eases the pressure.

There's still anti-Semitism everywhere, and unfortunately, what has happened with our people no longer being the underdogs in this region, peoples' perception of Israel has changed dramatically.

I'm a sucker for any band named after a work of literature. Los de Abajo take their name from Mariano Azuela's famous novel 'The Underdogs,' and that says a lot about who they are and the music they make.

I am always a sucker for the underdogs. I love Batman and Superman, but when it comes to the guys who don't stand in the front of the line, Aquaman is one of the key guys for me. He's so much fun to work on.

Ever since the commercial smash that was 'The Full Monty', we've always made films about underdogs. It's something that embodies Britishness and that sense of community and people punching above their weight.

For me personally, nothing ever changes. When I go out onto the pitch, I always want to win. All the other circumstances, whether we're favourites or underdogs, whether we're under pressure or not, doesn't make a big difference.

My idol is Emile Zola. He was a man of the left, so people expected of him a kind of 'Les Miserables,' in which the underdogs are always noble people. But he went out, and found a lot of ambitious, drunk, slothful and mean people out there. Zola simply could not - and was not interested in - telling a lie.

When I decided to collaborate with people, I wanted to collaborate more with the underdogs, the street people, messing with the people like Jae Millz and Papoose. When I went to New York, they were all over the mixtapes, so I wanted to get down with those guys instead of trying to go safe with all the super-big names.

And in England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab, of course, not among all Englishmen, and anti-Israeli, in the establishment. They abstained in the 1947 UN partition resolution... They maintained an arms embargo against us in the 1950s... They always worked against us. They think the Arabs are the underdogs.

Think about Kennedy. Think about Carter. Think about Clinton. Think about Obama. They've all been in their forties and from outside Washington, or underdogs in one way or another. I just think that Americans are looking everywhere, saying, 'Hey, show me some authenticity. Show me somebody who's practical. Show me people who run things.'

A lot of my comic influences are distinctly American: Woody Allen and Bob Hope, for example. They were always the underdogs who were using wit to sort of battle their way through. And it seems to me that a lot of contemporary U.S. comedies are shot through with losers. None of the characters in 'The Big Bang Theory,' for instance, are studs.

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