Surgeons always underestimate the pain and disability involved in what they do to people.

Never underestimate the potential for human stupidity when wealth and power are at stake.

A lot of fighters underestimate me. And what do you know? They end up being on the canvas.

Never underestimate the power of self-absorption, including your parents' self-absorption.

It's fine if you doubt me. Underestimate me, because then I'll just impress you, you know.

There is nothing more essential to getting a project off the ground than the underestimate.

Part of the job of being human is to consistently underestimate our effect on other people.

Never underestimate the magnitude of the power of the forces that reinforce the status quo.

One cannot underestimate how widely admired Tom Daschle is in Washington for his integrity.

Never underestimate the power that comes when a parent pleads with God on behalf of a child.

Never underestimate the importance of preparation for any single poker session or tournament.

Don't underestimate the value of beginning a headline by naming the people you want to reach.

Never underestimate the ability of a small group of committed individuals to change the world.

Never underestimate the totality of chaos and betrayal that comes through currency debasement.

Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

The idea of waste only comes into our Christianity when we underestimate the worth of our Lord.

Never underestimate the intelligence of the audience; make good programmes, and they will come.

Don't underestimate the importance of happiness. As long as you're happy, who cares what you do?

Never underestimate your ability to make someone else's life better - even if you never know it.

People underestimate me, and that's fine. I prefer to go into negotiations being underestimated.

Women seem not to understand, or underestimate, the profound power they have over their husbands.

Don’t underestimate the ripple effect of what you do. These kinds of actionshave toppled empires.

Cats virtually always underestimate human intelligence just as we, perhaps, underestimate theirs.

Don't underestimate questions from the crowd; technology has made voters more informed than ever.

Never underestimate someone with Autism, because there could be Brilliance struggling to get out.

I think people underestimate when you have a brace on your knee how much that truly restricts you.

Never underestimate the power of intrinsic values. They inspire every struggle for a better world.

Victory usually goes to those green enough to underestimate the monumental hurdles they are facing.

I wish sometimes people wouldn't underestimate me. But it's a fleeting wish. It's not where I live.

I never underestimate the power of hot rollers for your hair and eyelash curlers for your eyelashes.

I do not in the least underestimate bisexuality... I expect it to provide all further enlightenment.

A lot of people underestimate Jake Shields, but his results speak for themselves. He's tough to beat.

Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.

People think, 'Oh, I don't need to worry about him,' and they underestimate me because I am a rapper.

Never underestimate the power of the mind, the importance of love and faith, and never stop dreaming.

When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love.

You can never underestimate the ability of the Democrats to wet their finger and hold it in the wind.

I am far from underestimating the importance of dividends, but I rank dividends below human character.

All too often miners, and indeed other trade unionists, underestimate the economic strength they have.

Never underestimate the capacity of another human being to have exactly the same shortcomings you have.

That is the core of Trump. He is undoubtedly an idiot, but do not underestimate how good he is at that.

Don't underestimate your kids. Don't be condescending, because they're children but they're not stupid.

We should never overestimate an audience's culture, but we should never underestimate their intelligence.

It is easy to underestimate in advance the impact of globalization and automation - I have done it myself.

You cannot underestimate the value of luck in success in life. And I've really learned to appreciate that.

People underestimate the hip-hop audience and the capacity to understand politics when it's part of music.

On your life, underestimating the proclivities of finches is likely to lead to great internal hemorrhaging.

I spent an awful lot of my life underestimating myself and, as a result, not exceeding my own expectations.

We can not underestimate the potential harm North Korea's capabilities can cause for the rest of the world.

When I was asked to write a concept for a telenovela, I didn't underestimate my non-experience in the field.

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