I guess I'm quite used to not being understood rather than being understood.

I have never understood why a woman must have a man to take her into dinner.

For years I'd understood that publishing in paperback was the kiss of death.

I understood all that in my head, but I still didn‟t believe it in my heart.

For 30 years I have tried to make it understood that there are no criminals.

I don't believe for a minute that women really want to be understood by men.

Jokes have to be quite naked to be understood. They have to be quite simple.

[Nelson] Mandela was very keen not to be understood as an exceptional person.

Power to translate is the test of having really understood one's own meaning.

What most people really want is to be listened to, respected, and understood.

It was understood that when I left to do the pilot that I wasn't coming back.

I've never understood what the upside of marriage would be for me personally.

The gems of philosophy are not less precious because they are not understood.

If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely.

I was the black sheep of the family, and my mother never really understood me.

The supernatural is only the natural of which the laws are not yet understood.

Somebody once said to me, 'If you want to be understood, don't write fiction.'

A God that can be understood is no God. Who can explain the Infinite in words?

My mother is extraordinary. She understood me and never tried to hold me back.

I thought I understood what was best. I knew too little and believed too soon.

We are frequently understood the least by those who have known us the longest.

Religion, it must be understood, is not faith. Religion is the story of faith.

To approach a poem as if it is a puzzle to be understood is to miss the point.

I don't know which is worse: to be wrongfully accused or mistakenly understood.

I've never understood having crushes on people who you don't know in real life.

I've never understood multi-party democracy. It's hard enough with two parties.

Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth.

What I've understood is that to be funny is not my job. To see funny is my job.

But when I direct I become possessed, a possession I've never quite understood.

There are three things I have loved but never understood. Art, music and women.

By and large, the gospel of grace is neither proclaimed, understood, nor lived.

My fate has been that what I undertook was fully understood only after the fact.

Philanthropy is never understood by those who don't have it in their own hearts.

From a very early time, I understood that I only learn from things I don't like.

Now he understood. This was death. Death was a silence that gave back no answer.

The Bible is a supernatural book and can be understood only by supernatural aid.

Don't appear so scholarly, pray. Humanize your talk, and speak to be understood.

I understood jazz, I understood how it worked. That's what I apply to everything.

It is not necessary to be too avant-garde, because you risk not being understood.

I think that Freud understood absolutely nothing about women - as he himself said.

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.

Pleasure, or wrong or rightly understood, Our greatest evil, or our greatest good.

I never understood the whole point of opposing or hating someone else's happiness.

Architecture cannot be understood without some knowledge of the society it serves.

Transgressions are to be understood and corrected, not dwelt upon or agonized over.

There is something wrong with a work of art if it can be understood by a policeman.

Ultimately, the entire universe...has to be understood as a single undivided whole.

Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question.

Don't write so that you can be understood, write so that you can't be misunderstood.

I don't want to be understood because if people understand me, they get tired of me.

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