Do not write merely to be understood. Write so you cannot possibly be misunderstood.

I understood that the Church had a Heart, and that this Heart was burning with love.

A genius knows how to make himself easily understood without being obvious about it.

Desires that are just are termed Truth. Without desires, Truth cannot be understood.

It is slowly becoming understood that the modality of being is the modality of mind.

I never understood a word John Cassavetes said. And I think he did that deliberately.

...larger than life...I've never understood that expression. What's larger than life?

Only necessity understood, and bondage to the highest is identical with true freedom.

I've never quite understood why people marry; marriage is just an invented structure.

I understood....that in my own life I represented a whole period of American history.

If things were a little better known and understood, we would all lead happier lives.

The ancients understood the regulation of power better than the regulation of liberty.

50 Cent's a songwriter. He understood and liked my music, but he didn't understand me.

I understood that the will could not be improved before the mind had been enlightened.

I've never understood the division between so-called realists and so-called idealists.

Humor levels the playing field. I understood that early on - that was something I had.

Most social acts have to be understood in their setting, and lose meaning if isolated.

Fortunately, the courts discharged me every time after they understood what I had done.

Let it be understood that I am interested in making multimillion-dollar business deals.

Throughout Soviet times, I understood what was really happening in the world around me.

It'd be nice to have someone who understood some of the things that went on in my head.

Being the main guy for three or four years, I understood what it took to be the leader.

to be understood is not a human right. Even to understand oneself is not a human right.

More countries have understood that women's equality is a prerequisite for development.

To me, I've never understood why there is any question about are women as funny as men.

[Bobby Tom] finally understood Gracie's function in his life. She was God's joke on him.

No design is possible until the materials with which you design are completely understood

Evolution is not something to be feared. It's to be celebrated, embraced, and understood.

I understood that there was no escaping the memories, that I was surround by them. (p.30)

It has to be understood that the world doesn't exist with people who are exactly like us.

Imagine what else is true if you understood there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you.

We have understood nothing of life until we have understood that it is one vast confusion.

He that uses his words loosely and unsteadily will either not be minded or not understood.

Even the written history [of Abraham Lincoln's times] is poorly understood by most people.

Men... performed better when they understood why they were being asked to carry out a task.

My eyes were finally opened and I understood nature. I learned at the same time to love it.

The more I invested in myself, the kinder I was to myself and the more I understood myself.

The beauty of a strong, lasting commitment is often best understood by men incapable of it.

I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood.

On 'Idol,' I understood that everyone wanted to hear my vocals, so I stuck with the ballads.

Lincoln was a supreme politician. He understood politics because he understood human nature.

I have never really understood why in this country so many people look down on black people.

To understand is to possess the thing understood, first by sympathy and then by intelligence.

Karma, when properly understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests.

No single organism could be understood without observing and comprehending the entire colony.

I asked you, baby, If you understood- You told me that you didn't, But you thought you would.

Indomitable perseverance in a business, properly understood, always ensures ultimate success.

Understand before you pass judgement. But how do you pass judgement once you have understood?

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

I never understood what rules I was supposed to learn, and what rules I was supposed to break

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