Nothing in music is hard, just unfamiliar.

They be starin at the money like it's unfamiliar

At first, it's unfamiliar, then it strikes root.

I am trying to be unfamiliar with what I'm doing.

The Hollywood machine is unfamiliar to me and unfriendly.

And, more important, none of Paul's music feels unfamiliar to me.

I disliked the unfamiliar happiness more than the familiar sadness

Originality usually amounts only to plagiarizing something unfamiliar.

Originality usually amounts only to plagiarizing something unfamiliar.

It is a sign of great inner insecurity to be hostile to the unfamiliar.

There's a danger in anything that is unfamiliar. That's the world we live in.

There is a tendency in our planning to confuse the unfamiliar with the improbable.

Pizza is a great segue into unfamiliar flavors - plus, you can pile on the veggies.

The thing that scares us the most is when familiar things operate in unfamiliar ways.

I was very unfamiliar with YouTube; I thought it was the place for dog and cat videos.

I'm a costume designer. My career is not in fashion, a field I'm basically unfamiliar with.

Our perception of time is really driven by our perception of the unfamiliar, vivid, and new.

I didn't even think about good guy, bad guy when I started. I was that unfamiliar with the business.

I present classics in an unfamiliar way or unfamiliar ingredients and preparations in a classical way.

My name is not unfamiliar to anybody in the dance community. I'm talking the upper echelon of dance studios.

I like to grow as an actor, and you can do that by playing parts that are unfamiliar to you and uncomfortable.

The photograph reverses the purpose of travel, which until now had been to encounter the strange and unfamiliar.

There can be no life without change, and to be afraid of what is different or unfamiliar is to be afraid of life.

You get so used to a world that you complain, but never actually want anything different. Why crave the unfamiliar?

The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.

Leadership is particularly necessary to ensure ready acceptance of the unfamiliar and that which is contrary to tradition.

I am interested in the relationships and play between an unfamiliar picture/object context and the familiar photographic image.

The beauty of art is that it allows you to slow down, and for a moment, things that once seemed unfamiliar become precious to you.

In case you're unfamiliar with TED, it is a series of short lectures on a variety of subjects that stream on the Internet for free.

Being ill like this combines shock - this time I will die - with a pain and agony that are unfamiliar, that wrench me out of myself.

It is difficult to accept death in this society because it is unfamiliar. In spite of the fact that it happens all the time, we never see it.

Europe and the United States are better off extending a helping hand to those who know best rather than dictating to them an unfamiliar future.

I've met a lot of people who were resistant to my ideas, because they were afraid to get into unfamiliar conversations. I didn't listen to them.

I listen to tech podcasts and read tech news everyday. So I am not unfamiliar with Amazon's practices. I'm not surprised that they bought Comixology.

Politics can be likened to driving at night over unfamiliar hills and mountains. Close attention must be paid to what the beam can reach and the next bend.

Saxon, if you are unfamiliar, is a British heavy-metal band that has been around since the mid-'70s and was in no small part the inspiration for Spinal Tap.

I've never understood why some people hesitate before diving into unfamiliar tasks or activities. I couldn't imagine wanting more instructions about anything.

New York is great, but I miss L.A. - I feel like there was something exotic about L.A. that I kind of underestimated at the time. It was very unfamiliar to me.

Meanwhile, the originator of a theory may have a very lonely time, especially if his colleagues find his views of nature unfamiliar, and difficult to appreciate.

To those many millions of you unfamiliar with my work, I play a caddish British doctor in practice with Mindy Kaling on her excellent sitcom 'The Mindy Project.'

I wanted to shoot straight, mainstream, somehow off-beat. Not only realistic West, which is quite unfamiliar to the world's population - even to a lot of Americans.

As a former home secretary, I have access to and knowledge of the workings of the system in a way that individuals unfamiliar with the courts can never hope to have.

Is it racist to prefer country music over the blues? Or is it simply a classic case of tribal antipathy toward the unfamiliar, in favor of gravitating to what you know?

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

When general relativity was first put forward in 1915, the math was very unfamiliar to most physicists. Now we teach general relativity to advanced high school students.

I'm trying to go over my lines. I woke up on the floor, somebody had me in their arms. I didn't quite know who, people looked so unfamiliar. That's about all I remember.

In my mind, declaring that an unfamiliar task will yield low-hanging fruit is almost always an admission that you have little insight about what you're setting out to do.

Solitude gives birth to the original in us, to beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry. But also, it gives birth to the opposite: to the perverse, the illicit, the absurd.

I actively pursue experiences that are unlike any others that I've experienced and cultures that I don't know and unfamiliar places and unfamiliar history and things like that.

I don't seek discomfort. But, very often, you realise that what you fear is actually quite ephemeral; something's different, something's unfamiliar; therefore, it must be worse.

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