Yes, Sept 11th was unfortunate

I'm gay. It's pretty unfortunate.

I have an unfortunate personality.

The unfortunate are always egotistical.

We become innocent when we are unfortunate.

The unfortunate do not pity the unfortunate.

It's unfortunate biologically we have to sleep.

The brave unfortunate are our best acquaintance.

Every rumor is believed against the unfortunate.

That most unfortunate war, which I deeply deplore.

It's unfortunate we've never been just songwriters.

The friends of the unfortunate live a long way off.

I've got whole years of unfortunate clothing in '80s.

I think it's unfortunate to have critics for friends.

As I was born to be unfortunate, my sun soon clouded.

Every unfortunate event does not give rise to lawsuit.

The fastidious are unfortunate; nothing satisfies them.

Idiots don't know they're idiots, which is unfortunate.

The wrongdoer is more unfortunate than the man wronged.

One is never fortunate or as unfortunate as one imagines.

A wretched woman is more unfortunate than a wretched man.

The world is more like it is now then it ever has before.

It's unfortunate that music has become such big business.

By resorting to self-resignation, the unfortunate consummate.

Oh Dear! How unfortunate I am not to have anyone to weep with!

It's unfortunate, I've been the victim of some Australian press.

We often quarrel with the unfortunate to get rid of pitying them.

That's the unfortunate thing about death. It's so terribly final.

Myself acquainted with misfortune, I learn to help the unfortunate.

It's unfortunate that sometimes the personal things affect the business.

It's so unfortunate because people have become so comfortable being mean.

She sounded as though love were an unfortunate but unavoidable condition.

I think it is very unfortunate that there is a ban on adoptions in Russia.

Education is an ornament for the prosperous, a refuge for the unfortunate.

It is unfortunate for the gods that, unlike us, they cannot commit suicide.

I'm in the unfortunate position of having to consider other people's feelings

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

Compassion is not weakness, and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.

Nobody ever chooses the already unfortunate as objects of his loyal friendship.

There's no greater way to gain an audience's sympathy than by being unfortunate.

The unfortunate reality is the alt-right has captured white people's imagination.

It's unfortunate that in an interview sometimes things can seem so black and white.

Financial crises are an unfortunate but necessary consequence of modern capitalism.

The unfortunate thing about this planet is that we are in no shortage of ignorance.

It's always unfortunate when something gets misreported and the facts are not clear.

It's unfortunate. Title IX is rather simple: don't discriminate on the basis of sex.

It's unfortunate how people assume so much about your life based on the work you do.

Honestly, I don't have time for a lot of TV. And it's unfortunate, because I love TV.

Prejudice and discrimination based on our differences is an unfortunate fact of life.

We have long honored those who gave their lives during the unfortunate reality of war.

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