I was just lucky to have a uniform.

Oh, in high school, I wore a uniform!

I fight for people that wear a uniform.

It is always an honor to put on a uniform.

I took my waitress uniform. Seemed fitting.

My standard uniform is a T-shirt and jeans.

I served my country in uniform for 26 years.

Am I still in uniform? Then I ain't retired.

I just wear the uniform of the city I'm from.

I just want to put on a uniform - whoever it is.

It's been an honor to wear our nation's uniform.

When I'm relaxed, jeans and a shirt are my uniform.

I really enjoyed my time playing in a Browns uniform.

At 39, I was back in a Red Wings uniform and loving it.

Laws must be clear, precise, and uniform for all citizens.

When I'm wearing my uniform I'm still locked into the game.

Bobbed hair makes women look uniform. They lack individuality.

There is a lot of extra energy with being in a Lakers uniform.

I like playing for Oakland, they have a very colorful uniform.

Nudity is the uniform of the other side... nudity is a shroud.

I could never wear another uniform. I will forever be a Yankee.

My summer uniform is a dress. I also have a closet full of hats.

So I say keep yelling and hustling every minute you're in uniform.

I love doubleheaders. That way I get to keep my uniform on longer.

I feel and look healthy. So I will look good in a waitress uniform.

If I were wearing jeans, I'd be wearing the uniform of a cartoonist.

The fourth major league game I ever saw in person, I was in uniform.

We have a sacred obligation to support our men and women in uniform.

My go-to fashion uniform would be shorts and some really cool sneakers.

Your white uniform as a black domestic was your ticket anywhere in town.

Michael Jordan always wore his Carolina shorts under his Bulls' uniform.

When you put on a uniform, there are certain inhibitions that you accept.

When the anchorman is wearing a colonel's uniform, it tells you something.

We ask our brave men and women in uniform to risk everything to protect us.

I knew what the Dodgers uniform represented as a kid growing up in Brooklyn.

The vast majority of our men and women in uniform are doing the right thing.

The reasons I put the uniform on are the same reasons I'm running for office.

If my uniform doesn't get dirty, I haven't done anything in the baseball game.

The idea of Dwyane Wade not being in a Heat uniform was a kick in the stomach.

Getting to wear a Team USA uniform is amazing. I really wanted to get a uniform.

I want to be a traveling circus in that big-league uniform, like everybody else.

I always wondered how it would be to put on a Braves uniform and play in Atlanta.

I play hard for my ballclub. Whatever uniform I put on, I'm going to bleed and die.

I went to a Catholic School, and underneath my school uniform, I wore a metal shirt.

The first time I saw Werth in a Nationals uniform, it was like, 'Dude, this is weird'.

I have good legs, so I prefer my skirt lengths and my high heels. It's like my uniform.

Everything in America is so uniform. In Russia, everywhere you go is completely insane.

I love a jumpsuit, and I have a bunch of them. I'm known for wearing them like a uniform.

I was a Marine for 41 years, and it wasn't long enough. We enjoy putting on that uniform.

A couple of my favourite cop movies are 'I Love a Man in Uniform' and 'The Long Goodbye.'

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