Coming from a uniformed background I can relate to the army.

The worst form of violence is the assault on uniformed personnel.

Show me a poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader.

A really good uniformed cop has tremendous people skills, and they learn how to read people.

I'm not a fan of Secretary Rumsfeld. I don't think he listens enough to his uniformed officers.

My father was an odd stick. He was a member of MENSA and he was a uniformed yard cop for the Harvard police.

In America uniformed cops eat in coffee shops, diners and restaurants and I always feel safer having them around.

I like to say I bring the perspective of a kid from Bowmanville... but I understand military service and uniformed service.

Surely the fact that a uniformed police officer is wearing his hair below his collar will make him no less identifiable as a policeman.

I haven't, in the 23 years that I have been in the uniformed services of the United States of America, ever violated an order - not one.

America already suffers from a uniformed and increasingly polarized citizenry. FOX seems to eagerly exploit this dynamic, and in so doing, accentuate it.

In New York City we have the biggest police force in the country. We have 35,000 uniformed officers. We're able to mass officers in significant numbers if we had to.

But here is the single greatest thing about the 'Vanity Fair' party: There are uniformed In-N-Out Burger employees circulating the room with trays of cheeseburgers all night long.

Without a doubt, the most fiscally responsible way to increase the number of officers on our streets is to mobilize uniformed officers in administrative jobs and to use civilian employees to fill those jobs.

Ever since I was little, my mum used to choose an outfit for me and lay it on the bed so I'd know what I was wearing the next day. I never went to a uniformed school, so I always had an outfit - and I never really grew out of that, I don't think.

The conclusion that many uniformed military came away from Vietnam with was that political interference, dominance of strategy and even tactics were a very bad way to conduct a war, and that indeed, if that was going to be our practice, that we shouldn't wage conflict again.

The Eyemo was heavy and could be noisy. Once, I was in an auditorium filming a speech made by Goebbels when, suddenly, it decided to emit a huge snarling sound. Goebbels froze, and hundreds of uniformed Brownshirts turned and glared at me in anger. It was not a comfortable moment.

In honor of Surgeon General Koop's legacy, we should ensure that the position of surgeon general is protected from political interference, funded appropriately and nominated from the ranks of career public health professionals who merit consideration, as is done in the other uniformed services.

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