I love the small-town vibe.

Delhi has a different vibe.

Salt Lake's got a cool vibe.

I love the vibe of Las Vegas.

The interweb's got a weird vibe.

I would say I have a bit of a nerd vibe.

I love it when a guy compliments my vibe.

It's hard to chase a vibe and catch a vibe.

It is the vibe of a city that makes it unique.

It kills my vibe when cats don't wanna cuddle!

My vibe is a bit boyish: rock shirts, trousers.

The time was ripe for Flower. The vibe was right.

Americans have a casual vibe that I love so much.

I love fashion week. It has great energy and vibe.

I guess I'd say my vibe is to be happy at all times.

The whole selfie generation - it's just not my vibe.

I love dancing, especially to songs with Latin vibe.

Go see 'ATL' to really see the whole vibe of Atlanta.

With 'LilDurk2x,' it's a good vibe to it, good energy.

I love the vibe that I get on the sets of south films.

Most film scores have one vibe, and they stick with it.

I never got down with conveying a larger-than-life vibe.

The way you carry your name is the vibe people get off it.

Everything that I do, it just has the sultry vibe behind it.

Any room where you feel a good vibe is a good place to write.

I definitely think that my vibe has rubbed off on Drake a bit.

SAD!' is definitely one of my go-to songs when I want to vibe.

I like the pirate and gypsy vibe. That's always been my thing.

I need music all the time - just to get my vibe where I want it.

There's something magical about Oaxaca and the vibe of the people.

I think my channel has a Disney-esque vibe. It's a friendly place.

I don't think my vibe will work in Bollywood. But Hollywood, maybe.

I like simple clothes, but sometimes I'll go for a goth-witch vibe.

'Year Of The Tiger' definitely has much more of a blues-based vibe.

I just never fantasized about Mr. Rogers, but I like his whole vibe.

I often find that I like the vibe of not having technology around me.

I am vibe oriented and am able to read people right most of the time.

I don't know if you can catch my vibe, but I'm a pretty laid-back guy.

I get my jolt of energy in New York. I get mi familia vibe in New York.

I smile too much to be in a gang. I don't got that 'hit somebody' vibe.

I can create a vibe without saying anything, just by being in the room.

I think that people vibe off your energy and I'm a pretty mellow person.

I really loved the hardcore alternative vibe Prince had on 'Dirty Mind.'

I'm a 34-year-old man who calls himself Scooter. That describes the vibe.

My house feels like a proper home. It's very relaxed with a hippyish vibe.

When he speaks to you he speaks with an earnest vibe and an earnest energy.

People want to have access to jazz because it has a vibe that's very strong.

There's something about the West Coast. The air is lighter. The vibe is chill.

J.J. Abrams and I met, and we just had this incredible kind of vibe between us.

The DJs with a lot of hype are not necessarily the best DJs at creating a vibe.

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