Hollywood never knew there was a Vietnam War until they made the movie.

I like automatic weapons. I fought for my right to use them in Vietnam.

World War II was just as dirty and brutal as Vietnam, just as confusing.

I did three tours in Vietnam. I guess a total of about almost two years.

The U.S. never lost a battle against North Vietnam, but it lost the war.

If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't come to Vietnam, I'd send for it.

The Vietnam War was happening, but Lubbock was... They put a pinch on it.

The Quiet American is anti the people who took them into the Vietnam War.

The men and women who served during the Vietnam War are often overlooked.

Class was always the domestic issue during the Vietnam War, not communism.

My father served in Vietnam - the respect I have for the Navy is profound.

A lot of vets like 'Good Morning Vietnam' - I get great letters from guys.

I always felt more emotionally attached to Cambodia than I did to Vietnam.

Life was so cheap in Vietnam. That is where my sense of urgency comes from.

I didn't see conflict during the Vietnam War, but I did lose close friends.

The only important lesson from the Vietnam War is this: Democrats lose wars.

Now we have a problem in making our power credible, and Vietnam is the place.

I remember being a kid and the Vietnam War was huge and looking at Watergate.

God willing, the occupation forces will be driven out as happened in Vietnam.

My family had to leave Vietnam because my uncles fought alongside the Aussies.

For me, the way to approach a subject such as Vietnam is through storytelling.

After Vietnam, the Democrats became fundamentally the anti-military as a party.

If the Mets can win the World Series, the United States can get out of Vietnam.

I got interested in politics during the civil rights movement and then Vietnam.

It would take 2,000 Vietnam Memorials to list the [Twentieth] century's war dead.

The American invasion did not succeed in Vietnam, and will never succeed in Iraq.

Senator Albert Gore Sr. was one of the first outspoken critics of the Vietnam War.

McCain fought in Vietnam - I think that he has enough civilian blood on his hands.

I served two tours of duty in Vietnam. I won the Bronze Star. I won the Purple Heart.

Fonda was neither wrong nor unconscionable in what she said and did in North Vietnam.

There are some similarities, of course (between Iraq and Vietnam). Death is terrible.

I was proud of the youths who opposed the war in Vietnam because they were my babies.

To me, Columbine is just as awful as Vietnam and it's just as awful as anything else.

It's Kennedy's war, Vietnam. Lyndon Johnson got all the flak, but it's Kennedy's war.

I am shocked that we seemed to have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, from Vietnam.

To me, Columbine is just as awful as Vietnam, and it's just as awful as anything else.

I wasn't for Vietnam. When I told that to the hippie newspaper, all my people got nervous.

I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.

My opposition to the Vietnam War. I was the first Hollywood actor to speak out against it.

A country that has been through as much as Vietnam has to have some crazy music somewhere.

Militarily, we succeeded in Vietnam. We won every engagement we were involved in out there.

There's never been anything like the so-called Vietnam Syndrome: it's mostly a fabrication.

Vietnam was not a war of choice the United States had to fight. It was clearly not central.

World War II brought the Greatest Generation together. Vietnam tore the Baby Boomers apart.

The impact of the Vietnam War on TV made everyone recognize the importance of visual media.

Like Vietnam, Afghanistan was never about troop levels; it is about how troops are utilized.

India and Vietnam are old civilizations. We have ancient cultural and spiritual connections.

If not doing VICE, I probably would be selling Cokes on the beach in Vietnam. I like the sea.

My fascination with war is because my dad was in World War II, and my brother was in Vietnam.

The U.S. cannot be the policeman of the world. When we tried that in Vietnam, they beat us up.

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