Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but ...

Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.

Films don't cause violence, people do. Violence defines our ...

Films don't cause violence, people do. Violence defines our existence. To shield oneself is more dangerous than trying to reflect it.

Violence is fun, man.

Violence is not funny.

Violence is not the way.

People aren't for hitting.

No violent extreme endures.

Violence is my last option.

Comparison leads to violence.

I ain't never liked violence.

Violence is sometimes a duty.

Violence begins with the fork.

As a person, I'm anti-violence.

If you see violence, condemn it.

Most screen violence is tedious.

Violence doesn't equal strength.

Violence recoils on the violent.

I don't support violence, period.

Poverty is the greatest violence.

Violence diminishes our humanity.

Silence creates it's own violence.

Wrestling is ballet with violence.

In violence, we forget who we are.

Education is a vacine for violence.

Violence is a tool of the ignorant.

I believe humor nullifies violence.

Violence is the weapon of the weak.

The midwife of history is violence.

Violence is a symptom of impotence.

Fear, she's the mother of violence.

Violence and war lead only to death.

Nothing good ever comes of violence.

Violence does even justice unjustly.

Our silence is deafening and deadly.

Violence is man re-creating himself.

Non-violence is the article of faith.

Violence is a calm that disturbs you.

Often things are as bad as they seem.

Violence begins where knowledge ends.

I am a survivor of domestic violence.

Violence is absolutely not our method.

Poverty is the worst form of violence.

Politics is a substitute for violence.

Education is the vaccine for violence.

Where violence reigns, reason is weak.

I'm not up for violence, just for fun.

Americans love to read about violence.

The germ of creation lies in violence.

Vehemence without feeling is but rant.

Violence is for mugs. War is for mugs.

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