I am against anybody who uses violence to make their points.

Better than cowardice is killing and being killed in battle.

Clarity moves much more efficiently than violence or stress.

Fear is dangerous. It sparks violence much faster than anger.

I say violence is necessary. It is as American as cherry pie.

All violence is an attempt to replace shame with self-esteem.

There's a difference between violence and senseless violence.

Film seems to be a medium designed for betrayal and violence.

Liberty is to be free from restraint and violence from others

Mankind has to get out of violence only through non-violence.

The nation cannot be kept on the nonviolent path by violence.

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.

The violence of love is as much to be dreaded as that of hate.

Violence against even one human being is violence against all.

There is no escape - we pay for the violence of our ancestors.

See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.

Football is violence and cold weather and sex and college rye.

Violence stops thought. Hence its popularity as a pain-killer.

Any society based on domination supports and condones violence.

Democracy cannot sustain itself amid a high degree of violence.

Circumcision is where sex and violence meet for the first time.

Domestic violence isn't funny, especially if you live together.

I can look violence in the face and either reject or accept it.

Power exercised with violence has seldom been of long duration.

It's odd how violence and humor so often go together, isn't it?

When I go see an R-rated horror movie, I want lots of violence.

Despite what your momma told you, Violence does solve problems.

Violence is not completely fatal until it ceases to disturb us.

Violence in any form is a tragic expression of our unmet needs.

Permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence

I distrust the incommunicable; it is the source of all violence

We want you to express your point of view but without violence.

There's an economy of violence. It's sexy. It's being exploited.

The pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one's opponent.

Violence is the weapon of weak, non-violence that of the strong.

What broke in a man when he could bring himself to kill another?

I personally can't handle frivolous violence. I overreact to it.

Deep within I'm shaken by the violence of existing for only you.

People turn to violence, because they have no other avenue left.

It takes four generations to recover from every act of violence.

That which looks for mercy from an opponent is not non-violence.

Don't tell me violence doesn't solve anything. Look at Carthage.

Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship.

In some cases non-violence requires more militancy than violence.

Art, in fact, can be nothing but violence, cruelty and injustice.

Violence is never the answer, unless you don't feel like talking.

The worst form of violence is the assault on uniformed personnel.

Very slight violence will break that which has once been cracked.

Keep violence in the mind Where it belongs (Barefoot in the Head)

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