Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.

Instead of a man of peace and love, I have become a man of violence and revenge.

I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense; I call it intelligence.

The democracy process provides for political and social change without violence.

Revenge and retaliation always perpetuate the cycle of anger, fear and violence.

I wished to see storms only on those coasts where they raged with most violence.

Extreme violence has a way of preventing us from seeing the interests it serves.

Bottling up his malice to be suppressed and brought out with increased violence.

Violence is stupid. Even as a last resort, it only ever begets more of the same.

Non-violence is not a passive idea. It is ethical activism at its political best

The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.

Violence has always been unfortunately embedded in masculinity, this alpha thing.

Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society.

In the city, a lot of crime happens, a lot of violence happens from time to time.

The violence of either grief or joy, their own enactures with themselves destroy.

Film is a battleground. Love, hate, violence, action, death...In a word, emotion.

Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest of violence.

I've written films that are violent. I'm not big on sitting and watching violence.

None of us like violence in the real world, but we're fascinated with it onscreen.

Violence is always the last option, but if that time comes, it is the only option.

Violence is always the last option, but if that time comes, it is the ONLY option.

I do not believe in terrorism, violence, destruction, murder, pre-emption, or War.

Violence cannot destroy the body of the Goddess, for Her body is the world itself.

Violence is like money in the bank; it's only helpful if you don't have to use it.

It is claimed for satyagraha that it is a complete substitute for violence or war.

Most do violence to their natural aptitude, and thus attain superiority in nothing.

Television is full of fictional and real violence that's turned into entertainment.

Armed conspiracies against something satanic is like matching Satans against Satan.

I don't require movies to be about good people, and I don't reject screen violence.

Violence is its own anesthetist. The numbness it induces feels very much like calm.

For thugs from the ghetto, violence is a way of life - it's what helps you survive.

In a world where language and naming are power, silence is oppression, is violence.

Well I don't think sex and violence have ever stopped a movie from being mainstream.

CARE is participating in a groundbreaking summit to end sexual violence in conflict.

All violence, all that is dreary and repels, is not power, but the absence of power.

[Uniting workers should not] lead to a war upon property, or the owners of property.

Claiming that you have got the truth wrapped up does breed violence and intolerance.

You never need an argument against the use of violence, you need an argument for it.

There are many causes I would die for. There is not a single cause I would kill for.

Now [after election] where it goes into violence, I have a zero tolerance for riots.

Only reverence can restrain violence - reverence for human life and the environment.

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.

There is nothing to be gained by being unnecessarily nasty. Violence begets violence.

America has become numb to violence because it just drowns in it, day in and day out.

Enough with the slaughters. Enough with the violence. Enough with the hatred in Iraq!

My nonviolence does recognize different species of violence, defensive and offensive.

Francesco Damiani punches with all the violence and bad intentions of Mahatma Gandhi.

My mind boggles at the amount of violence inflicted upon children in today's society.

Preaching nonviolence on principle reproduces the existing institutionalized violence.

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