I take vitamins.

Daily vitamins are of no value.

I take vitamins. I workout every day.

Accessories are like vitamins to fashion

[Fashion is] a kind of vitamin for style.

Train. Say your prayers. Eat your vitamins.

Pop music is aspirin and the blues are vitamins.

I take a vitamin every day; it's called a steak.

I have great hair because I take a lot of vitamins.

A substance that makes you ill if you don't eat it.

I drink Vitamin Water nonstop - I should have an IV.

I'm not a big believer in vitamins and all that stuff.

Maybe my variety is due to bad absorption of vitamins.

Repeat mantra: Donuts are not vitamins, donuts are not.

Hard work beats all the tonics and vitamins in the world.

All the vitamins needed seem to be found in plebian dishes.

Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, and take vitamin C!

My dad still calls me and makes sure I'm taking my vitamins.

About 70 percent of pregnant women are deficient in Vitamin D.

Blueberries, strawberries, and broccoli are all high in vitamins.

[A vitamin is] a substance you get sick from if you don't eat it.

If only opening a Vitamin Water could be classified as working out.

I take hair growth, natural vitamins and sleep on silk pillow cases.

Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.

I take lots of vitamins, but I don't think that's what keeps us going.

I don't do any crazy diets. I take vitamins and eat three times a day.

Rich children are always blond, Jocelyn goes. It has to do with vitamins.

Diet is really important, and I think vitamins are really important, also.

Fruits are snacks, which are rich in vitamins, and can be eaten the whole day.

I'm not sure that pasteurized thinking is rich enough in intellectual vitamins

You think everything can be magically cured with vitamins?” “Everything but us.

The excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism permeated the environment.

Reading inspirational and motivational quotes daily is like taking my vitamins.

Talk was like the vitamins of our friendship: Large daily doses kept it healthy.

Old age - that's when a woman takes vitamins A through G, and still looks like H.

I'd love a drug that was good for you, I was thinking about ecstacy with Vitamin B.

All those vitamins aren't to keep death at bay, they're to keep deterioration at bay.

Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them.

When I was a kid growing up, I ate my vitamins, worked out because Hulk Hogan told me to.

Since I travel too much around the world, I take all these vitamins for my immune system.

When I do get time, I like to hike and I take lots of vitamins and powders to keep healthy.

I never thought that buying supplements and vitamins, it was going to hurt anybody's feelings.

If you take the right vitamins and drink enough water, your body flushes everything out for you.

To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.

I would put Flintstones vitamins in it in case I got tired, so I could pop some and keep walking.

"The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead" because white bread lacks vitamin E and lecithin.

I'm a believer in caring for your skin inside and out! A good way to do this is through vitamins.

I did learn that there's no point in eating too much Vitamin C because it comes out of your bladder.

I take a lot of ladies' vitamins, because I never buy my own and that's what's in the house. More iron.

I became a vegetarian, and I carried around a suitcase full of vitamins and special drinks everywhere I went.

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