A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has ...

A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.

Nothing is wasted.

I have wasted my hours.

Life is wasted on the living.

Youth is wasted on the young.

I feel like fame is wasted on me.

I wasted so many years in my youth.

Time spent with cats is never wasted.

Any time not spent on love is wasted.

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.

Nothing except time is wasted in Italy.

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

I really wasted a lot of time in my 20s.

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

I never thought I was wasted, but I probably was.

There is no greater harm than that of time wasted.

A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self.

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

Ninety-five per cent of my time is virtually wasted.

I haven't wasted many opportunities that fate gave me.

This is where I have wasted the best years of my life.

No amount of money and time spent travelling is wasted.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

I wasted years worrying about what other people thought.

A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted.

So much time is wasted on trying to be better than others.

Talk not of wasted affection - affection never was wasted.

Every day I'm not working or writing is a wasted day to me.

If you learned how to make a cloud, your time is not wasted.

Time is money. Wasted time means wasted money means trouble.

Suddenly women's lib had made me feel my life had been wasted.

If I don't learn something every single day, it's a wasted day.

The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed.

I feel more and more the time wasted that is not spent in Ireland.

My friends have always told me that rock stardom was wasted on me.

You're able to do more when you're not clouded with wasted anxiety.

I am happy with my work and I think my hard work didn't get wasted.

For me, not making the playoffs is a wasted season, a waste of time.

All the faith and good will in the world is wasted without direction.

I stagnated in prison a long time, and I have wasted most of my life.

No yesterdays are ever wasted for those who give themselves to today.

I really don't mind dying because I figure I haven't wasted this life.

Getting wasted is only OK when you're young enough to not know better.

Behind me the branches of a wasted and sterile existence are cracking.

We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted.

I've always been conscientious and hardworking. I've never wasted time.

If you don't know what is being said, the rest of the actor's work is wasted.

Live, so you do not have to look back and say: 'God, how I have wasted my life.'

Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life.

No time you spend writing will be wasted - even if you write something that's bad.

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