I've been a 'Doctor Who' fan since I was a wee girl.

I'm just a wee, chubby boy that happens to sing songs.

I am not a modern man, I am just a wee old fashioned one.

Audiences are a wee bit more chatty in New York than in London.

You don't do hero films about old men. They smell of wee, don't they?

You will always worry - a wee lad from Edinburgh going up on stage in Glasgow.

Sometimes you just need a wee bit time away from football to freshen things up.

I've always wanted to go to Switzerland to see what the army does with those wee red knives.

I've only been blessed with one talent, unfortunately, and that's being able to sing a wee bit.

Why would you want a picture with a wee, chubby guy from Bathgate? I just don't understand my appeal.

From a child growing up in the U.K., I used to listen until the wee hours of the night to talk radio.

I'd been a fanatic of movies since I was a wee lad, so I got into the films before I got into the comics.

When I was a wee little kid, I used to watch 'Dark Shadows' all the time, so I was a Barnabas Collins fan.

I love 'The Twilight Zone,' the original black and white ones with Rod Serling's wee bit at the beginning.

I remember my first practice, from Pee Wee football when I was, like, 10, and I didn't know what was going on.

The old Dodgers were something special, but of my teammates overall, there was nobody like Pee Wee Reese for me.

You can get too involved with all the wee things in life, but the most important thing is you're alive and well.

When I was a wee baby, if I heard any music, I would just get up in my buggy or my pram and start bobbing around.

Some of those more out-there jokes were written in the wee hours of the morning. Somehow, they remained funny the next day.

I write in quite a simple way because that's just the way I write. The vocab I use is quite wee. That's just the way I talk.

I've always had something a wee bit up with me, but I think it's some kind of learning difficulty. It's always been something.

I still enjoy a wee game of poker now and then, but I'm not very good, and being Scottish, I don't like to lose that much money!

You have your heart on your sleeve when you play games, but playing for your country is special, you dream about it as a wee boy.

I was 16 when I was in a band, for about 10 minutes. I went off and did acting after that. So it was a wee moment for me when I sang.

Scoring at the big stadiums in Glasgow is something I have dreamed about doing since I was a wee boy and now I have managed to do that.

Food plays a large part in our weekend, but on a Friday evening, I'll make us something simple for tea. I might have a wee glass of wine.

What a wee little part of a person's life are his acts and his words! His real life is led in his head, and is known to none but himself.

I lived near Arthur's Seat when I lived in Edinburgh. It was the perfect playground as a child. I always have a wee run up there when I'm back.

I'd be up for the 'Bond' theme, and I'd put my name forward for the lead role. If they want a wee, chubby guy from Scotland, then I'm their man.

I like wee arguments, I've never been into jokes. I'm more into strange things and madness and things escalating and things not really making sense.

I'd been lucky to do radio drama and RTE things. Having the opportunity to work with Netflix was wild to me but I'm still just a wee girl from Donegal.

I always come back to Frank Sinatra. Love some modern stuff - Rihanna, Kendrick Lamar - but give me 'Night and Day' or 'In the Wee Small Hours,' and all is chill.

If you get too high it comes back to bite you on the backside so I was always aware in spells before when I've done well in a season, eventually there was a wee dip.

I never get the tall, blonde, glamorous roles because I'm not tall, blonde and glamorous. I'm more the wee, disturbing characters because of the way I look or sound.

When my son was born, I was busy with the shoot of the film. So sometimes I would come in the wee hours and he would be sleeping and when he is awake, I am gone for work.

Daft Wee Stories' is, as the title says, daft wee stories. I just sort of rattled them out, tried to make them quite funny, with punchlines - they're kind of like sketches.

A college experience is something everyone should have. Going to Waffle House late at night. Or the gym at midnight, until the wee hours of the morning. Just being kids. Hanging out.

Anything that can unambiguously represent two values - while resisting, just a wee bit, randomly flipping from the state you want retained into the opposite state - can encode binary data.

I don't believe in angels, no. But I do have a wee parking angel. It's on my dashboard and you wind it up. The wings flap and it's supposed to give you a parking space. It's worked so far.

I always believed in my ability. I just had to work hard and be patient and, yeah, at times it didn't look likely. You need a wee stroke of luck but every chance I've been given, I've taken.

I've always been into asking the big questions; I'm the last guy out the door at closing time cuz I was sittin' around 'til the wee hours with the other ones who were asking the same things.

You want to get something changed, you send sport. Look what happened when Pee Wee Reese puts his arm around Jackie Robinson. That did more for racial relations in the United States through sport.

To be honest, I probably wouldn't have gone to Hollywood if I hadn't been offered 'Ugly Betty' because I was a wee bit feart. But you have to make yourself frightened. That's what keeps you alive.

From the time I was wee big, my mother was one of the first members of Mary Kay Cosmetics. Women going door-to-door and letting housewives have their own business - that was really a breakthrough. It was huge.

Since being a wee boy, I've wanted to be on the pitch at Hampden. I don't know why. I love all the international games and such but I've never been that partisan. But I've always wanted to stand on that pitch.

I'll be prime minister and a mum, and Clarke will be 'first man of fishing' and stay-at-home dad. I think it's fair to say that this will be a wee one that a village will raise, but we couldn't be more excited.

I get really nervous if pigeons are flying around before shows. I can't stand them after one once flew in through my bathroom window and went for me while I was having a wee. That was enough. I think pigeons target me.

My grandparents never understood why my mother Noreen chose such exotic names for her children: Damon and me. My granny insisted on calling my brother Dermot - a good Irish name - until she died; I was just known as 'wee one.'

Mind you, I've always been musical... Mother used to sit me on her knee and I'd whisper, 'Mummy, Mummy, sing me a lullaby do,' and she'd say: 'Certainly my angel, my wee bundle of happiness, hold my beer while I fetch me banjo.'

My main efforts focussed on trying to identify the rate controlling steps during the cell cycle. Crucial for this analysis were wee mutants that were advanced prematurely through the cell cycle and so divided at a reduced cell size.

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