I like my whisky old and my women young.

Catnip is vodka and whisky to most cats.

I like the Whisky old an the women young

The whisky bears a grudge against the decanter.

I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost 3 days already.

Nights without work I spend with whisky and books.

Whisky making is the art of making poison pleasant

I'm on a whisky diet... last week, I lost three days!

Whisky, gambling and Ferraris are better than housework.

Great fury, like great whisky, requires long fermentation.

While I can't walk on water, I can certainly wobble on whisky.

Vodka is much easier on your system than dark whisky and stuff.

A glass of whisky in Scotland in the thirties cost less than a cup of tea.

It is true that whisky improves with age. The older I get, the more I like it.

Haven't you learned yet that I put something more than whisky into my speeches.

I would say whisky or pills. Not both because that can have disastrous consequences.

You know these love letters mix with whisky, just don't light a match when you kiss me.

About two months into the Whisky, I borrowed some money and rented a remote recording truck.

I once received a cape that was made from the little purple bags that Crown Royal Whisky comes in.

My life is ruled by four W's: my writing, my work, my wife, and my whisky. Not necessarily in that order.

No married man is genuinely happy if he has to drink worse whisky than he used to drink when he was single.

On tour, I don't drink, because I don't think in any other job you are supposed to get to work and drink whisky.

I just did an interview where I was asked whether I drink beer or whisky, and I was sad to reveal that I'm pounding spring water.

I can't tell you how much money I waste on plaid shirts, whisky that I hate the taste of, and Moleskine notebooks that I never write in.

After that initial success, every chance we got we'd hire that remote recording truck and just record stuff at the Whisky because it was so inexpensive.

We'd boil this whisky because we thought that would make it stronger. So we thought we were getting drunk, but in fact there'd be no alcohol left in it.

My favorite whisky bar in the world is in my adopted Bangkok. A refined and secretive Japanese speakeasy among the girly bars of Soi 33, it's called Hailiang.

You are welcome to your intellectual pastimes and books and art and newspapers; welcome, too, to your bars and your whisky that only makes me ill. Here am I in the forest, quite content.

I'll tell you the truth: I had a double brandy before the game but, before, it used to be four bottles of whisky. Not any more. I was fine. I had a glass of wine after the game. But it was just a mouthful.

Chris Hillman (of the Byrds) recounts...'What happened to the Buffulo Springfield at the Whisky was similar to what happened to us at Ciro's...everybody wanted to be there. It became the place to be...a great gig.'

Between his eyes, there were four lines, the marks of such misery as children should never feel. He spoke with that wonderful whisky voice that so many Spanish children have, and he was a tough and entire little boy.

I had a serious and rather drunken research session with the great Charles MacLean, who took me through the history of whisky and malts. I can't remember a thing about it now. In fact I don't think I remembered a thing about it the following morning. Very, very entertaining.

I wanted to play piano in restaurants in the south of France. I went there on holiday once and I saw this guy playing in an old tuxedo. He was all disheveled, with a whisky glass on the piano. I thought that was the coolest thing. So what's happened to me with 'Twilight' isn't really what I'd planned.

For some time, Scotland's greatest exports to England have included whisky and Scottish MPs. Or, in the case of Charles Kennedy, both. All these links, politically, economically, culturally, are part of my Union. Would Glasgow's brilliant Commonwealth Games or the Edinburgh Festival be any better for our being independent? I doubt it.

One problem with globalisation is that bad ideas seem to travel faster than good ones; first there was smearing tomato ketchup on everything; then drinking sugar-soaked cocktails ('Cosmo'-politanism) instead of our traditional whisky soda, and now this idea that we should abandon the poor to their fate in order to protect their dignity.

From the early days of the telegraph, to be a telegrapher was a job, and there weren't many of those folks. They could recognize each other's style by their dots and dashes. They called that the "fist." St. George, they have a fist. You taste something from St. George, even across categories - the gin, the whisky - it tastes like something from St. George. It's the same as going to a great bar: You get the soul of the person making it.

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