Time exists so that everything doesn't happen at once.

False eloquence is exaggeration; true eloquence is emphasis.

White-collar crime gets more outrageous by the second in America.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

Prisons are fascinating places, especially when the inmates are educated white-collar types.

The possibility of bringing white-collar criminals to justice is ever receding over the horizon.

We're carrying out a real crusade against corruption and impunity with a focus on white-collar crime.

White-collar crime has been marketed - billions of dollars have been put in to have us be bored by it.

The irony is that, coming from a white-collar British background, I tend to play blue-collar Americans!

Some people see writing as a white-collar career, but I've always approached it as a blue-collar writer.

Frankly, any city person who doesn't think I deserve a white-collar salary as a farmer doesn't deserve my special food.

All white-collar work is project work. The single salient fact that touches all of our lives is that work is being reinvented.

There will always be a business cycle, and white-collar workers will get hit in the next recession like they always do in recessions.

We're losing all kinds of white-collar jobs, all kinds of jobs in addition to manufacturing jobs, which we're losing by the droves in my state.

I spent 10 years as a marketing manager. I've found my experience in the financial world invaluable background for writing about white-collar crimes.

While the DOJ and the SEC must be vigilant in investigating and prosecuting white-collar misconduct, we must also ensure that we are acting fairly and prudently.

As a former federal prosecutor with experience prosecuting both violent and white-collar criminals, I've seen what it looks like when the powerful prey on the vulnerable.

The workplace revolution that transformed the lives of blue-collar workers in the 1970s and 1980s is finally reaching the offices and cubicles of the white-collar workers.

I wasn't raised in a very Western environment. I went to a Chinese-speaking school. In my group of friends, the goal was to be a white-collar worker: an engineer, lawyer, accountant.

It's a very confusing experience living as a woman in Japan. If your husband is white-collar, the wife is blue. Even if you marry a person of status, the wife inevitably remains a rung below.

The aggressive use of wiretaps is important: It shows that we are targeting white-collar insider-trading rings with the same powerful investigative tools that have worked so successfully against the mob and drug cartels.

Part of the reason that women go to college is to get out of the food service, clerical, pink-collar ghetto and into a more white-collar job. That does not necessarily mean they are being paid more than the blue-collar jobs men have.

For the longest time, computers have been associated with work. Mainframes were for the Army, government agencies, and then large companies. Workstations were for engineers and software programmers. PCs were initially for other white-collar jobs.

A lot of white-collar work requires less of the routine, rule-based, what we might call algorithmic set of capabilities, and more of the harder-to-outsource, harder-to-automate, non-routine, creative, juristic - as the scholars call it - abilities.

I did a bunch of blue-collar jobs, because I knew I'd wind up with a white-collar job at some point, and I wanted to, I don't know, I just wanted to taste life. I dug graves for a while, I worked as a stock boy in a big department store, I worked in a bank.

My father used to always say to me that, you know, if a guy goes out to steal a loaf of bread to feed his family, they'll give him 10 years, but a guy can do white-collar crime and steal the money of thousands and he'll get probation and a slap on the wrist.

I have to say that every white-collar criminal defense lawyer knows when the chief financial officer turns state's evidence, everyone in the executive suite is in a lot of trouble because the chief financial officer knows exactly where the money is coming and going.

It is tough for an actress to raise her voice on sexual harassment because the chances are they will question your character, they will ruin your career, and they will defeat you in the power game. So one has to be very strong to fight against these white-collar mafias.

In the 1960s, you had this booming economy, and you didn't really have enough men around to fill all the jobs. So there was this sudden demand that women come back and perform a lot of the white-collar and pink-collar roles that men had done before or that hadn't existed before.

The job market of the future will consist of those jobs that robots cannot perform. Our blue-collar work is pattern recognition, making sense of what you see. Gardeners will still have jobs because every garden is different. The same goes for construction workers. The losers are white-collar workers, low-level accountants, brokers, and agents.

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