Whatever happens, who cares.

Who cares about my opinions?

I'm married. Who cares about me?

Apathy's a problem but who cares?

One who cares is one who listens.

I don't get 'shark' - but who cares!

Who cares what you are just enjoy it!

Who cares if you bunt for a base hit?

Who cares about everyone? What about me?

I...I belong to those who care about me.

Here's a quarter, call someone who cares.

Overdraw me, Lord, and who cares if I break.

Who cares if companies are overvalued or not?

It's kind of like, who cares about MTV anymore?

Nobody wants to read about your life. Who cares?

To me age is a number, just a number. Who cares?

Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable.

Somebody's sexual preference is, like, who cares?

I'm a guy with a big heart who cares about people.

I am only young once, who cares if I'm a goofball!

It was a big story and yesterday's soup. Who cares?

People care about people who care about themselves.

When you can swim, who cares how deep the water is?

People who care for you inevitably become beautiful.

Egoist is someone who cares more for himself than me.

I'll go to 185 pounds; who cares? Just give me fights.

Who cares about the Golden Boot? I want the golden cup.

Given the chance, people will buy from people who care.

Who cares who's captain after the wings have fallen off.

Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?

The biggest losers are those who care only about winning.

As long as my team wins games, who cares what people say?

I'm probably just an obnoxious little bollocks. Who cares?

We deserve a Senator who cares about our children's safety.

A patriot is someone who cares what happens in their country.

Smartphones. Who cares? Smartphones. I only have dummy phones.

I'd rather have friends who care than friends who agree with me.

since feelings come first, who cares about the syntax of things?

I'm not the kind of guy who cares how many hundreds I've scored.

I've been competing my whole life. Who cares about the spotlight?

You gotta surround yourself with positive people, people who care.

I want to wear skinny jeans when I'm in my 70s. Why not? Who cares?

The rules!" shouted Ralph, "you're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?

guys have feelings too. But like...who cares? -Inspirational poster

I love being around people who care about me, and I care about them.

Who cares about seeing 10,000 helicopter assaults? That's spectacle.

I think if everyone is clean, then who cares about how you're tested?

If it isn't a wonderful story first, who cares how "important" it is?

Who cares who comes out of the closet or not, so long as you're happy?

The world does not turn without moments of grace. Who cares how small.

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