Don't miss your life.

I'm not dying until I do.

Live fully in the instant.

I'm painfully middle class.

Don't live in fear of dying.

Whatever happens, who cares.

I have had a magnificent run.

Life does not owe me a shred.

I've always been a team player.

Don't waste the time you do have.

We don't know what's around the corner.

Miracles occur, or people die the next day.

Above all, learn to live when you're dying.

Pearl Buck was my mother's favorite author.

I have an intention to live each moment fully.

'Incurable' is a tough word. So is 'terminal.'

However motherhood comes to you, it's a miracle.

I don’t think of dying, I think of being here now.

I'm a perfect person to tell people not to give up.

I first met Rhoda Morgenstern in the spring of 1970.

I think I have too little to hide to be interesting.

When I heard 'incurable'... incurable is a tough word.

Luck is not an acceptable substitute for early detection.

Dessert doesn't count if you eat under an assumed identity.

We're all terminal; none of us are getting out of this alive.

I'm now the poster child for not believing everything I'm told.

I don't know a great deal about Alzheimer's - just what it does.

Life is amazing. Live it to the fullest. Stay as long as you can.

I love sitting at home. I love laying in bed watching television.

Life is amazing; live it to the fullest. Stay as long as you can.

Don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral. Live this day.

Don't go to the funeral until the day of the funeral - live this day.

I had always wanted a steady job in this business, a show that lasted.

Rhoda Morgenstern gave a wonderful impetus and propulsion to my career.

Don't accept or be crippled by the media hype that aging is bad or shameful.

Life has sweetness to it and a beauty and a power that I wanted to celebrate.

Though I'm 75, I'm not looking forward to death, but it's there for all of us.

I felt sharing my experience may be of value or assistance in some way to others.

Magazines airbrush everything. If you think it's an illusion, then it probably is.

I don't wake up saying, 'Oh, I'm going to die.' It's a waste of time. It really is.

Women and young girls are constantly judging themselves by standards that aren't real.

Be grateful for each moment we have and be happy, but more than anything live it fully.

It can be frightening. I think, 'I don't want to go.' But I give myself room to grieve.

I think you just take each day and get the best out of it and do what you can and have fun.

I don't have a reputation of being a super-witch who demands pink rugs in the dressing room.

We all have a way to contribute, to your community, to your family, whatever it is you can do.

It's really important that we don't hang up the membership to the human community at menopause.

Knowing that you have something you have to deal with, rising to the occasion, builds character.

I've had a lot of great stuff - spectacular stuff - happen to me. I've got to not be a pig about life.

I am pretty heavy into causes. I'm an active Democrat, I boycott grapes, and I work for prison reform.

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