My whole life is my work.

My children are my whole life.

I've been myself my whole life.

I’ve been second my whole life.

Cancer changes your whole life.

I believed in God my whole life.

I been doing music my whole life.

I've been fighting my whole life.

I've been a winner my whole life.

Your whole life informs your eye.

I have been drumming my whole life.

Saw life steadily and saw it whole.

I been the same dude my whole life.

I've been performing my whole life.

I always felt guilty. My whole life.

Acting is pretty much my whole life.

Cry the Gospel with your whole life.

I've been making shoes my whole life.

A faire death honours the whole life.

Music is really driving my whole life.

I feel like my whole life only tennis.

My whole life has been decided by fate.

My whole life, I've been telling jokes.

The whole life lies in the verb seeing.

I got called 'pretty boy' my whole life.

One hour of love has a whole life in it.

I've been such an outsider my whole life.

Some hours weigh against a whole lifetime.

My mother was my beauty icon my whole life.

I'm going to be climbing for my whole life.

Not everybody's confident their whole life.

My whole life, I never spoke a single-word.

I have spent my whole life educating myself.

I feel that my whole life is a contribution.

My whole life has been one big improvisation.

'American Idol' has taken over my whole life.

I feel like I've been a Yankee my whole life.

My whole life sort of ended when my mom died.

I've probably bought ten CDs in my whole life.

My whole life, I always wanted to be an actor.

I've grown up watching football my whole life.

I felt my whole life was a facsimile of a life.

I've never seen one Star Trek in my whole life.

I have lived my whole life with high intensity.

Loneliness has been following me my whole life.

The truth is, I've been the Hulk my whole life.

My whole life has largely been one of surprises.

You have to live with your mind your whole life.

you can live a whole life time never being awake.

My whole life has been one of seeking experience.

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